Temos pavadinimas: Aliens are People Too (Svarbi tema)

Autorius: Alien Invasion Fleet

Tema pradėta: 05:45:00 2007 01 29

Pranešimai: 104 Paskutinis pranešimas: 06:55:34 2018 04 30. Autorius Cajin Von Sian III

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Alien Invasion Fleet Paskelbta: 05:45:00 2007 01 29

Pranešimai: 3

Temos: 1

We are running a bit short of resources in our efforts to capture new planets. Therefore, starting in a few days, we will be capturing planets without bringing in resources other than troops and energy. In human terms, this change will take place at approximately midnight on the evening of January 31st, which appears to be the timing of the start of something that people in this universe appear to call a "new round".

For those cruel "people" who insist on capturing our newly liberated planets from the human parasites who were squandering resources and slowly destroying planets through excess production and consumption, this means that they will not get as rich from stealing our colonizing resources. They can only take what was already there from the humans, although they will still have to destroy the 500k T and 500k E resources that we will be using to defend our planets.

We will also be faster at planetary conquests, and a few planets will occasionally be captured and conquered without those pesky humans being able to broadcast a help signal. Why they even bother is unclear, since we will kill them all anyway, and by sending out their distress call, they simply enable other humans to come and destroy the planet.

We also have discovered that some planets have not yet been colonized by humans and the natives of these planets are willing to accept our leadership and governance without protest. Thus, we will begin at the start of this new round to colonize some of these "green" planets on an occasional basis (only a few per day, as they are harder to find than settled planets due to the lack of radio signal transmissions). We anticipate that these uncolonized planets will be easier to capture and hold, and we plan to place our production on these captured planets into building food and population to provide for better defenses for the day when humans may discover and see to capture these formerly "green" planets.

Humans are so wasteful of their planets and resources. Always seeking to kill and destroy something. We, in contrast, seek only to live in harmony with nature and to eradicate the human pests who are destroying their planets and environment. If they could only see the larger picture, these foolish humans would be happy to see their planets going to better use, and would realize that our higher form of intelligence makes us the rightful rulers of the galaxy.

Perhaps we will someday discover a new race of intelligent beings who will assist us in our efforts to bring civilization and order to the wide-spread Chaos that exists within the Skylords universe today.

Professor Paskelbta: 05:48:08 2007 01 29

Pranešimai: 5830

Temos: 405

Valstybė: China

Lytis: Vyras


We like having Chaos in our galaxy, and will do all that we can to resist your efforts at bringing "order" and "civilization" to our space.


"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

Saint Baakra Paskelbta: 07:37:57 2007 01 29

Pranešimai: 1728

Temos: 60

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Moteris

LOL Pathetic :P

For Honor and Glory!! 'Till the Defeat!

FORTRANshadow Paskelbta: 07:47:13 2007 01 29

Pranešimai: 382

Temos: 17

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

This sounds like a good adjustment to the game. Thanks.

kotica Paskelbta: 08:58:14 2007 01 29

Pranešimai: 935

Temos: 84

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

Perhaps we will someday ... the wide-spread Chaos that exists within the Skylords universe today.
Yo Chaos! cross your legs man.

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

I only know what I read on the internet.

c0aliti0ns Paskelbta: 10:32:30 2007 01 29

Pranešimai: 1403

Temos: 15

Lytis: Vyras

I didnt fully appreciate how i was degrading my planets. Now that I look at it from their persective I see how my nuclear resources, mines and cities are tools of crushing the native flora and fauna to the point of extinction. Perhaps I should change my ways. As long as the alien planets that have been colonied from green are visible through probing perhaps I can establish contact and come to an agreement that will enable them to become absorbed into my coalition of civilisations.

be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves

Griffin Vengance Paskelbta: 10:39:02 2007 01 29

Pranešimai: 3292

Temos: 197

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras!


All of my power sources are generally clean, the citizenship happy. Don't really see how my slav-citizens are parasites though...well, dumping nuclear waste into the pie supplies is supposed to be good for them right? A good dose of pie-radiation a day keeps the aliens away...:D

Might be some backlash over the slow and gradual death of our beloved green planets though...*sniff*...I'LL SAVE YOU GREENS!

00:01:23 | Griffin Vengance has been defeated by Shadow Stalker.

Proof that nagging really does work!

Saint Baakra Paskelbta: 10:42:19 2007 01 29

Pranešimai: 1728

Temos: 60

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Moteris

You're funny grif :D

However, I believe that aliens are less worth life form than humans and they should be annihilated once and for good. I mean how do they dare annotate that they are good and at the same time kill OUR slaves? That is wrong!
And I will declare a Holy War to them... as soon as I'm finished with Swarms (Kyrie eleison TS) :D

For Honor and Glory!! 'Till the Defeat!

c0aliti0ns Paskelbta: 11:10:00 2007 01 29

Pranešimai: 1403

Temos: 15

Lytis: Vyras

Thats why that pie you gave me was so heavy.

be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves

Griffin Vengance Paskelbta: 12:04:16 2007 01 29

Pranešimai: 3292

Temos: 197

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras



00:01:23 | Griffin Vengance has been defeated by Shadow Stalker.

Proof that nagging really does work!

Naltsa Abe Paskelbta: 14:12:55 2007 01 29

Pranešimai: 1600

Temos: 236

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

Well A war :D

Bout time, although i suppose humans of this galaxy think they are capable of fighting, how idiotic, i on the other hand am not human, but more of a cyborg, this is due to the fact that i ate a pie from grif, and then i had to insert my mind into that of a machine

Oh and grif, that pie was lovely

Naltsa Abe, The one, the only, the craziest welshman in the game!

You may have the troops and the assaults to go with them, but always remember....

I have crashed the server!!!

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