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SmartFox Paskelbta: 10:10:07 2006 01 22

Pranešimai: 1557

Temos: 112

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

Dishonourable if one player using two or more accaunts to get advantage.. and this is no matter resources or coords or smt else... But two ppl from different countries ? One of them can to win resources by ruse .. another can't understand what happened with him and do nothing to stop it ! So where is here a problem? Your jealousy ? I guess it is!!
Are you payed attention that now resources growing only player login-in ? He should to carry his planets after it!

To do that is nothing wrong... Its only a part of tactics this game :S


Naltsa Abe Paskelbta: 11:00:05 2006 01 22

Pranešimai: 1600

Temos: 236

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

You can't honestly say that and believe it

Go read rules of game, There is one there that clearly states that what is happening is wrong, keeping people alive i can respect, but giving them planets, letting them produce iron then taking them back

30 days? resources gone? errr no

How about this simple thing, You don't log in for 15 days and your planet accepting is turned off

Naltsa Abe, The one, the only, the craziest welshman in the game!

You may have the troops and the assaults to go with them, but always remember....

I have crashed the server!!!

Hope Paskelbta: 11:44:09 2006 01 22

Pranešimai: 6522

Temos: 415

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

Giving planets to a "noob" and then taking them back with loads of resouces on IS wrong
Thats what needs to stop
It is so exploitable that it can be seen as multi-accounting
You are using another account to produce resources for your own benefit

Founder and Lord Admiral of The Legendary Swarm.

Go For It.

Rukna Baisioji Akis Paskelbta: 11:46:53 2006 01 22

Pranešimai: 1374

Temos: 103

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

Abe's solution would be completely uneffective ;)
30 days are also not a good solution. There are many inactives coming back. And whaat about Hw's? And other planets, that are still not lost in one month of inactivity, maybe in half a year inactivity even.

Actually i still don't understand the aim of making SL completely mechanical game. The spirit of it is to exploit the variety of opportunities. Watupdogg exploited probe destroying - applause to him and applause to the community which realised it is not good for the game. LTC threw their members to win a round - applause to LTC for a smart step. Probably no great applause to Professor for making that 5 day period and taking the charm of the round end. LTC is quite strict in recruiting, so the period is probably in favour of us. And finally now. Pray countings are insane. Only few of LTC managed to make some resources by throwing planets to apocalypse, ADG, SC low-active members. It is their fault keeping planet accepting on. Stronger players makes advantage of weaker ones. That's the spirit of any multiplayer game.

If you think growing those resources is an easy way, ok, try to make some. Hard to find a player with planet accepting and low activity? Well, go through clan lists. Single players do not have accepting on. Think you found a good one? So go to see how many your planets given are oblited, left, how many T or E it grew and enriched others Hw. Also remember to check daily news if it happened that they captured your own planets if you left a chain accidently. So go and try to make 1M iron, when you come back, let us discuss if it is harmful for the game, unless i'm on summer holiday :]

The aim is that this is the problem mainly of other clans which let their members to have accepting on, let their members to keep planets got, let their members to give resources to anyone else. Why we need these forbidings? To make the game more and more mechanical? Applause to LTC for exploiting this feature. Apllause to those who seek news, make conclutions and send PM to those who are put-upon. That's the spirit of the game. All these restrictions, especially verbal and not coded are useless for the game.

Professor oblited many planets today that belongs to players with low activity and high number of planets lost. (i lost at least 50 save planets actually :D ) Did you make any investigations, Professor, whether all those planets were not their originally? Probably just blew all... Poor people.

Concluding sentence: write a PM to those who are put-upon and make some damage to LTC or anyone else. That is that spirit we need.
Will be enough at the moment ;)

I will defeat you. When you grow up, if you still feel raw about it, i'll be waiting.

mythics Paskelbta: 14:24:30 2006 01 22

Pranešimai: 851

Temos: 69

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

what if instead of all the areguement over when it is allowed to give planets, if planets when they are given go to maximum shield no matter what. so this would make it so that planets can still be given, but there is no prodution from these planets
it would be the rough equivilaent of giveing planets to SP
thus, player can be given planets to stay alive, or given planets when someone goes over their limit

Yah, SL is fun.

Hope Paskelbta: 14:26:47 2006 01 22

Pranešimai: 6522

Temos: 415

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

:clap: mythics thats exactly the plan I think we should have :P

Founder and Lord Admiral of The Legendary Swarm.

Go For It.

Frost Monarch Paskelbta: 14:29:59 2006 01 22

Pranešimai: 748

Temos: 39

Lytis: Vyras

there we go, prof, make that change and we can stop fussing. :D

Leader of US Confederation
Freedom is not free.

14:24:50 | Vigilante planet Rouge II has been captured by Frost Monarch, IDG Elite Force.
14:24:50 | Vigilante has been defeated by Frost Monarch.
23:15:26 | nineyII planet RememberTheP

Iiridayn Paskelbta: 15:18:35 2006 01 22

Pranešimai: 1645

Temos: 98

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

Sounds good to me. Just need a go ahead.

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

Force of nature.

Pray Paskelbta: 17:29:55 2006 01 22

Pranešimai: 2255

Temos: 147

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

"Pray countings are insane"

Heck yes it is.. I've never been good :-)

its 28800 a day times 7 days a week times the number of planets LTC has times the clan members times the number of planets phobius and dinda and all them have minus the troops they use weekly and u get a grand total of... ALOT


A storm is coming, a storm is coming in..

20:48:19 | Professor planet 0 from paladin
20:20:21 | Arcanix planet 14 Arcanix 01

Diplomacy & Trading Forum Moderator.

Professor Paskelbta: 19:37:47 2006 01 22

Pranešimai: 5830

Temos: 405

Valstybė: China

Lytis: Vyras


Sounds good Iiridayn. When planets are given to another player, they go to max shields.

As for planets lost, the only accounts for which planets were deleted where accounts that had not logged in within several weeks and that had a high ratio of planets given to planets captured. Many were new player accounts who had only captured one or two planets but that had 25 or more planets held. For some, it was clear who gave the planets, and in a few cases, the accounts appear to have been set up by an existing player in the game to use as multi account storage (it is easier to do it this way, although it also is clearly acting as multi, since few new players turn on planet accepting before going inactive).

Since there was potential for misunderstanding of rules in this regard, but it also was something that was in violation of terms of use of the game site, and upsetting to multiple players, the actions taken so far have been:

1. Delete planets of inactive accounts that are clearly being abused (these players are not deleted or suspended, so they can accept new planets when or if they do become active again, but they have lost the planets that were given to them that they did not earn)

2. Turned off planet accepting for all accounts in the game, both active and inactive. Active players can turn planet accepting on again if they wish to do so. Inactives will not do so.

3. Starting to develop simple administrative tracking tools to determine when this is happening. If it is used only in sparingly with active but struggling clanmates for keeping them alive, and the planets are not recaptured later by clan members, this is okay. (working on this tool, but not done yet).

4. Implement suggestion above about shields being raised to full when planet is transferred. (to be done soon)

"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

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