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Filas Paskelbta: 07:24:27 2005 10 30

Pranešimai: 2042

Temos: 148

Valstybė: Lithuania

so who then (I would also want to get some res :) ) ?

Country music, whiskey and OK

watupdogg Paskelbta: 07:28:39 2005 10 30

Pranešimai: 2391

Temos: 346

Valstybė: Portugal

Lytis: Vyras

im sure u hav plenty vs

Filas Paskelbta: 07:29:28 2005 10 30

Pranešimai: 2042

Temos: 148

Valstybė: Lithuania

unfortunately I've sold most of my res for credits, so I need more res to sell :D

Country music, whiskey and OK

Professor Paskelbta: 07:49:48 2005 10 30

Pranešimai: 5830

Temos: 405

Valstybė: China

Lytis: Vyras


LOL. And, to answer your earlier question, I have not given any resources to any player in the game except in trade for something else. I have done a lot of trading, but on fair terms.

All my troops have been sold on the market. I have no troops on any HW and almost no troops on an planets other than current production. Due to a very busy month at work, I also don't have a lot of planets now and not a lot of time to play, so not a lot of troops being produced.

So, there is no way I could have funded or bankrolled this attack, even if I wanted to do so.

And, in case you wonder about Iiridayn, he has never taken any resources from me other than what he had banked with me from long ago when I was his clan leader and banker, and even then, he only has taken what he banked. However, he has loaned troops to me in the recent past, when I needed them, and I did repay that loan with some trained assaults, which were used in the attack, since I did not have enough troops to repay him.

Iiiridayn also has refused to make probe ships before end of round to be used next round, as he feels that would be unfair (I told him it was just a good investment, and he argued that it was cheating to do so, a position with which I disagree since the change is announced and anyone can do so, but whatever). Iiiridayn has also refused to accept credits for his work in helping out with the game (although he will take some cash and occasionally will part with a small amount of cash for credits). He says he wants to play fairly and enjoy the game for its own sake and not gain any advantage that any other player would not have in the game, but he also wants to be a part of a clan (which is something I feel I can not do now).

"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

Professor Paskelbta: 07:51:56 2005 10 30

Pranešimai: 5830

Temos: 405

Valstybė: China

Lytis: Vyras


One more point, VS, you are richer now in credits than any other player in the game. I don't really think you need any more resources to sell, and I think you are doing your best to keep prices high for some resources and profiting from the end of round increase in troop prices.

I think next round I will save my troops to sell them towards the end of the round, in case prices go up a lot at round end again.

"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

Filas Paskelbta: 08:05:03 2005 10 30

Pranešimai: 2042

Temos: 148

Valstybė: Lithuania

btw, back on topic. whatupdogg was arguing about too many captured HWs, but if big part of res he used for capturing these HWs were not made himself, but borrowed from another player or bought by cash, he should not tell anything, unless he think he can do it every round (and I would be very interested to know player who would give away lot of his res every month).
Or if no one will give whatupdogg more res next month and even he should repay borrowed res, means no HWs will be captured next round, so no HW defence problem :D Unless, he'll buy res by cash...

Country music, whiskey and OK

Professor Paskelbta: 08:16:17 2005 10 30

Pranešimai: 5830

Temos: 405

Valstybė: China

Lytis: Vyras


LTC can do this every round.

And, it is not just this round that a lot of HWs have fallen.

"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

Professor Paskelbta: 08:18:53 2005 10 30

Pranešimai: 5830

Temos: 405

Valstybė: China

Lytis: Vyras


Balance is important, and with trained assaults at 200% easier to make, it might be reasonable for HW defense to be higher than it is now. That would reduce the number of HWs taken down by the same amount of attack power to about half the current level, so in other words, HWs would be about twice as safe as they are now on average.

"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

Gold Rush Paskelbta: 08:41:30 2005 10 30

Pranešimai: 2969

Temos: 382

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

VS you are crazy, seriously... LTC does this stuff EVERY ROUND then Armageddon comes along ( somemmebers have been savign for rounds ) and we compete with ltc but all the sudden it is bad??? it is possible for LTC to do this everyround but you cant se ehow its possible for us to do it 1?

and even if we do buy credits wtf does it matter to you? you are not in armageddon so dont :censored:ing worry about it!

A True Underdog


Bert2 Paskelbta: 10:51:31 2005 10 30

Pranešimai: 2477

Temos: 101

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

I don't have a comment about that. I just want to re-irtterate from the other post we have going. Its not about def its about parity. If someone can gain points off of you but you can not gain points off of then then we have a problem. It doesn't matter how many HW's fall thats just part of the game. Having higher def won't stem this problem just slow it down. The thing that should matter is that if all of them fall then the game becomes one of capturing production planets only as no one will be building HW's. Why supply others with points?

If "Vetuser" attacks my hw and gains 200k points. In retaliation I build a fleet to go after him, but he has no HW and has all of his other resources on the market, How do I attack him? How do I gain points? Now thanks to the proff my HW has alot higher def. "Vetuser" attacks me again for 200k points but does not take my HW, I can't attack him since I know he has no HW and I have a fleet of ships sitting around, I have to rebuild while not being able to attack at all except for resource planets. "Vetuser" has gained alot of points won the round got credit but I can't even come close. Happens again. Happens again. I decide to do the same, strips my hw and builds bigger fleet. "Vetuser" builds a fleet to attack me but I no longer have a Hw or resources, just a fleet. We both go after all of the inactive hw's for points. After a few rounds they are all gone. He's stuck, I'm stuck. It turns into a production planet turf war. This is where we are headed. How do we stop and enable parity. Or is this where we want to go?

Was Skylords Main banker
Ex-Doggpound Member
Ex-Redrum Member
Ex-EidG member / banker
Ex-CidG / IDG Elite Force member
Ex-AidG Leader / Banker
Ex-Shikshiena Progress Clan
Ex-Shikshiena Jrs Clan Leader

My Brain is hung like a horse :P
14th Sep

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