Temos pavadinimas: New statistics (Paprasta tema)

Autorius: Zygimantas

Tema pradėta: 12:46:56 2004 07 18

Pranešimai: 5 Paskutinis pranešimas: 13:09:00 2004 07 18. Autorius Gold Rush

Zygimantas Paskelbta: 12:46:56 2004 07 18

Pranešimai: 366

Temos: 79

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

Gold Rush Paskelbta: 12:48:47 2004 07 18

Pranešimai: 2969

Temos: 382

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

cool thnx zygs :D

A True Underdog


Hsirhc Paskelbta: 12:49:39 2004 07 18

Pranešimai: 1506

Temos: 130

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

Sweet Zygi man so many dead British people :(

I shall avenge thee

The only Glourious War is a war that ends in peace

As he went up to heaven he said
"An other Solider Reporting I've served my time in Hell"

New Player Forum Moderator Show Respect lol

Gold Rush Paskelbta: 12:51:56 2004 07 18

Pranešimai: 2969

Temos: 382

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

i cant read USA British or Lith or Canidia or Austriallia can someone psot those 3 statistics here for me there is a big aquare in the way

A True Underdog


Skylord14 Paskelbta: 13:05:25 2004 07 18

Pranešimai: 1060

Temos: 31

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

great work and zygi could u make a countries ranking like only usa players by points and total points cause starfox, Dark Comet, and other US players wanted to have like a contest between US players to see which US player could get the highest point total at the end of the round and it would also increase the betting forum popularity just an option though cause we could always look at the regular standings :D:D:D oh and can u get more smilies for us they r entertaining!!!! thx again for the new topic!!! its great!!!:worthy:

Others may hurt you
Others may call you names
Others wont kill you,
Thats my job

Gold Rush Paskelbta: 13:09:00 2004 07 18

Pranešimai: 2969

Temos: 382

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

:pray: Zygs :pray:

:worthy: zygs :worthy:

A True Underdog


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