Temos pavadinimas: Is it okay to kill him? (Paprasta tema)

Autorius: dagdamor90

Tema pradėta: 22:25:00 2011 06 30

Pranešimai: 11 Paskutinis pranešimas: 12:27:37 2011 07 03. Autorius EL

Ankstesnis 1 2  Sekantis

dagdamor90 Paskelbta: 22:25:00 2011 06 30

Pranešimai: 26

Temos: 7

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

quick question on ethics. i've found a newbie, one planet, uncolonized planet in the system, no points who joined two months ago. Has it been long enough to justify taking the planets?

Cajin Von Sian Paskelbta: 23:30:29 2011 06 30

Pranešimai: 495

Temos: 79

Valstybė: Angola

Lytis: Vyras

If they still have the green in the system then for sure okay to kill them I'd say.

Bert2 Paskelbta: 00:08:50 2011 07 01

Pranešimai: 2477

Temos: 101

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras


Was Skylords Main banker
Ex-Doggpound Member
Ex-Redrum Member
Ex-EidG member / banker
Ex-CidG / IDG Elite Force member
Ex-AidG Leader / Banker
Ex-Shikshiena Progress Clan
Ex-Shikshiena Jrs Clan Leader

My Brain is hung like a horse :P
14th Sep

Bionicle Paskelbta: 07:43:46 2011 07 01

Pranešimai: 239

Temos: 23

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

kill them they shouldnt have a green pass like 2 hours into the game lol

1. Bionicle 1,060,124 1,237,017
You have been awarded 5000 credits for achieving first place this round. Congratulations.
15:00:56 | dagdamor planet Bethor6 II has been captured by Bionicle, RedRum.

FORTRANshadow Paskelbta: 09:52:55 2011 07 01

Pranešimai: 383

Temos: 17

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

I think it's a no-brainer when you find someone in the real arena with a single player planet, an SPC planet, a green planet and a transport parked in open space. It's clear that that player made absolutely no effort in the game. Take that entire system and all the nearby planets.

It's murkier when you find chains of unharvested planets. If it's late in the round, I usually check the player's profile. If it shows 0 points and more than two or three weeks have passed, I think it's OK to take those. Others may disagree.

When in doubt, I send a player a private message asking if he or she is active. If I get a response, I tend to leave that person alone. If he or she has a planet near one of mine, I usually ask for that one to be destroyed as soon as is convenient. If I don't get a response after a week or so, I'll usually go ahead and take the planets.

And, as you know, I have made mistakes and ask forgiveness when appropriate.

General Stonewall Paskelbta: 10:55:51 2011 07 01

Pranešimai: 2187

Temos: 23

Valstybė: Costa Rica

Lytis: Vyras

I can't inprove on what FORTRAN kill the inactive noob!

-People in the dark cause accidents, accidents in the dark cause people.

-Eternal Light "Yeah, You pretty much just "Head F****d me".
-Eternal Light"Ill get training them now your highness"

dagdamor90 Paskelbta: 23:06:27 2011 07 01

Pranešimai: 26

Temos: 7

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

the deed is done :)

H911Reiver Paskelbta: 02:20:07 2011 07 02

Pranešimai: 1939

Temos: 44

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

No one takes my planets, even though everyone knows where they are :P

Now with 93% less edge and teenage angst

Exemplary Strategy Paskelbta: 02:50:41 2011 07 02

Pranešimai: 928

Temos: 47

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

< doesnt know where they are, and wouldnt take them anyways because im lazy

We have wings on our backs and we have horns on our heads, our fangs are sharp and our eyes are red, we're not quite demons or the one that fell, so choose to join us or go straight to hell!

Loyal as any dog.

EL Paskelbta: 06:00:05 2011 07 02

Pranešimai: 1705

Temos: 182

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

I thought about taking them a few times :P

H911Reiver Paskelbta: 12:20:47 2011 07 03

Pranešimai: 1939

Temos: 44

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

At least you're honest EL :P

Now with 93% less edge and teenage angst

Ankstesnis 1 2  Sekantis