Temos pavadinimas: question (Paprasta tema)
Autorius: MageofMaddness
Tema pradėta: 07:07:11 2008 12 15
Pranešimai: 16 Paskutinis pranešimas: 00:39:47 2008 12 17. Autorius H911Reiver
MageofMaddness | Paskelbta: 07:07:11 2008 12 15 |
Pranešimai: 1610 Temos: 121 Valstybė: United States Lytis: Vyras |
i know im rusty but at first couldnt you reassign a ship to whatever HW you wanted it to be assigned to?... i seem to be unable to do that anymore...
Zerohours | Paskelbta: 07:10:50 2008 12 15 |
Pranešimai: 2443 Temos: 287 Valstybė: Canada Lytis: Vyras |
possibly because, it no longer matters?
MageofMaddness | Paskelbta: 07:33:18 2008 12 15 |
Pranešimai: 1610 Temos: 121 Valstybė: United States Lytis: Vyras |
so if you took my hw id still have my ships until my last plannet got taken?..
Shadow Stalker | Paskelbta: 07:35:50 2008 12 15 |
Pranešimai: 11468 Temos: 322 Valstybė: United Kingdom Lytis: Vyras |
MageofMaddness | Paskelbta: 07:51:06 2008 12 15 |
Pranešimai: 1610 Temos: 121 Valstybė: United States Lytis: Vyras |
cool... on anoher note ive lost 2 assaults to stupidity thus far lol.. keep attacking plannets i dont meant to... hey who wants to take out a hw with me? any takers?....
Iiridayn | Paskelbta: 00:20:15 2008 12 17 |
Pranešimai: 1645 Temos: 98 Valstybė: United States Lytis: Vyras |
Heh, too busy with teh c0de atm
H911Reiver | Paskelbta: 00:22:25 2008 12 17 |
Pranešimai: 1939 Temos: 44 Valstybė: United States Lytis: Vyras |
Question for Iiiri
mythics | Paskelbta: 00:23:22 2008 12 17 |
Pranešimai: 851 Temos: 69 Valstybė: United States Lytis: Vyras |
leave iiri alone....he's busy enough as is
H911Reiver | Paskelbta: 00:24:18 2008 12 17 |
Pranešimai: 1939 Temos: 44 Valstybė: United States Lytis: Vyras |
i know, and even if he weren't he wouldn't do it, but the
mythics | Paskelbta: 00:25:23 2008 12 17 |
Pranešimai: 851 Temos: 69 Valstybė: United States Lytis: Vyras |
well good luck with that. and i think all the grand schemes
H911Reiver | Paskelbta: 00:26:55 2008 12 17 |
Pranešimai: 1939 Temos: 44 Valstybė: United States Lytis: Vyras |