Pranešimai: 226
Temos: 16
Valstybė: United States
Lytis: Vyras
*Which one is better? Anybody heard of an issue with the Catholic church and Galelio, in a case arguing about weather or not the sun was the center of the galaxy? Science prevailed there. And the church admitted it, 350 years after Galelio died. *
Ya, but Galileo lost his finger to the church.
Also, to start off this, i will read a few quotes made by two popes
"It has served us well, this myth of Christ."
-Pope Leo X, sixteenth century.
This quote i can't quite remember, but i remember Stephen Hawkings laughing about it cause he had just given a speech on the beginning of the Universe.
"Do not study the beginning of the universe, because that is God's realm."
Later, Hawking said that he was glad that the pope hadn't come in, because, he was giving that speech. This was the previous Pope also, can't remember name though.
On another note, I highly dislike the church, because they force their views on others. EX. The Aztecs, they were Christians, so that gave them a reason to get rid of them. The Native Americans, they didn't want to convert, but they were forced to. The Crusades, Even though Muslims were also believers in God, the church condemn them, because they weren't Christian. The Jews, they are also believers in God, but they were persecuted in every age, just because they had poor judgement and killed a prophet, but yet, it was said that he knew he was going to die.
Also, the Bible isn't even the total scriptures, there are others, like the Gospel of Judas, Mary Magdalene, Phillips, Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Nostics. Yet they weren't put in at the Nicene Counsel of the Roman Empire, because they 1. Said Jesus was human, which he was, just his spirit was immortal, 2. It gave Jesus a normal life, with a wife, who he loved and was Mary Magdalene, who wasn't a prostitute, but a woman from a wealthy family, they made her that, because they didn't want her there and made the Virgin Mary the main figure.
The church also has done many wrongs, including wrongly persecuting women who were supposedly witches, of which they weren't. They persecuted Galileo, who was right on the center of the solar system. They forced Christianity on many people who didn't want to be converted.
Also, Hell is hardly mentioned if ever in the Bible, once in the forest and once in the Resurrection.
Also, How could Earth only be 10,000 years old???
Problem they have found rocks on the moon that provided material that were from Earth, that show that Earth is much older than 10,000 years old, but more around 4.5 or 4.6 billions years old.
The universe i also think is huge and ever expanding, so how could there only be us??
There are many other planets out there and the universe is continually expanding and creating more.
These are my views on this and i may add things later, if i forget anything and see it later here, i will add.
Also, i have no religion and i am very happy.
religion = for political purposes
Good point Arcanix and ROS, as many religions created for controlling purposes and was also allowed into Rome for the same reason.
Immortality will come to such as are fit for it.-Dark Viper
Better to reign in hell, than serve in heaven.
LTC worlds taken:20 and counting
zyx planet Hi DaC has been captured by Winged Shadow, ChaosInDaGalaxy.