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Ice Shardz Paskelbta: 08:15:13 2006 03 17

Pranešimai: 1145

Temos: 94

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

ISP: Verizon

talk about gramps. :D JHust kiddin, so how did you find this game, I didnt think old people, I mean elderly people could use computers very well. :D

Ice doesnt melt, Fire freezes.

Leader of US Confederation

Berserkas Paskelbta: 01:37:54 2006 03 18

Pranešimai: 1515

Temos: 32

Lytis: Vyras

why not :)

you do not quit playing computer games because you get old, you get old because you quit playing.
I like pie. :D
Warp rules :P

MageofMaddness Paskelbta: 01:40:49 2006 03 18

Pranešimai: 1610

Temos: 121

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

cuz computers are relatively new.... geez Beserkas keep up will ya.... :P......


Difficult takes a Day.....
Impossible Takes a Week... ;)

SI For Life....

Proud USC member.....
Yeah keep it in the family....

AIM MageofMaddness
Yahoo '' ''

ICQ 309-502-911

Berserkas Paskelbta: 01:43:13 2006 03 18

Pranešimai: 1515

Temos: 32

Lytis: Vyras

lol no theyre not :) Personal computers are new :shrug: maybe he was a top secret scientist or something :shrug: :D

you do not quit playing computer games because you get old, you get old because you quit playing.
I like pie. :D
Warp rules :P

Laurrriz Paskelbta: 08:35:22 2006 03 18

Pranešimai: 1818

Temos: 114

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

wow now SL has proven itself to truly be a game for all ages :D

Proud member of the Space Cowboys

----------your AD here------------

Aude aliquid dignum

Professor Paskelbta: 02:16:20 2006 03 19

Pranešimai: 5830

Temos: 405

Valstybė: China

Lytis: Vyras


Looks like the credits debate has been "put to bed" with less than 6% of players voting to split credits from market units. However, in spite of many players voting to have no limits on credits, with the start of the next round, I will be putting in place a strictly enforced limit of no more than $50.00 (5000 credits) per player per round. Also, no player can get others to buy more credits for them. No more than $50.00 paid for any single player account for any reason.

However, a player CAN purchase credits for other players, and such purchases might enable a player to pay more than $50.00 if the total credits awarded are distributed to multiple people. In some alliances, we have had a few cases of a player spending more than $50.00 to donate credits to multiple other members of their alliance, with the donation of credits to be annonomous and not identified as to the donating player in any way. This will still be permitted, as long as no more than 5000 credits are paid for or given to any player from all sources in any month.

"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

Rukna Baisioji Akis Paskelbta: 04:34:36 2006 03 19

Pranešimai: 1374

Temos: 103

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

"Looks like the credits debate has been "put to bed" with less than 6% of players voting to split credits from market units."

Definetely. When you put the question so. That question is simply too hard to imagine for players. And it is impossible to understand what do you mean with that "split credits" without any further explanations.

Should players buy a limited equal amount of credits per round?
Should the information about donating a game be mentioned in the player profile?

Would be nice to see the results here. Especially with the names. These are two questions i'd really like to hear the opinion about.

I will defeat you. When you grow up, if you still feel raw about it, i'll be waiting.

MageofMaddness Paskelbta: 13:08:53 2006 03 19

Pranešimai: 1610

Temos: 121

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

Professor... there were 5 ,aim debators in this discussionabout the creds... Neg... Rukna... You... Iiri amd Me.... Tell me who it was that proposed to split the creds?..... surely not me or Neg or Rukna.... so what do you mean its a Dead issue?..... you ask what you want and youll get the answer that you want.... I already posted my views on what splittting the creds would do... an dseemingly the others in the disussion agree because nop one has posted aginst what Ive saud or in defence of your suggestion....

I agree with rukna... I dont feel the questions were phrased properly and I even went ahea and proposed the question I feel would correct the problem...

"should there be a limit on how many creds can be bought/ held/ owned per plar per round"

and Rukna's
" should there be some type of statistic that enables viewing of how many creds a player has bought is buying or if he has bought creds or contributed to the game in any manner"

Porff you posted in terms of monetary value... I have no idea what 50$ in creds is... simply because Idont buy creds...... and I bet you most players dont either.... but in phrasing the question that way... subconsciously your asking players....
"should there be a limit on how much players contribute to the game per round".... which is a sly way dissuadingn them from saying yes.... If the game needed funding and you set up a system for donations to the game I bet you youd get a considerble ammounts more funding than what you gain from creds buying per round.....
Sp the issue isnt whether SL need money cu zas far as I know youve not informed the SL community of such... the real issue is what happens when cred buyin gby players isnt limited and how the rest of the SL communtiy feel about players doing so... and gaining what we feel arnt very honorable points.....


Difficult takes a Day.....
Impossible Takes a Week... ;)

SI For Life....

Proud USC member.....
Yeah keep it in the family....

AIM MageofMaddness
Yahoo '' ''

ICQ 309-502-911

Iiridayn Paskelbta: 02:26:30 2006 03 21

Pranešimai: 1645

Temos: 98

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

Rukna's idea is being examined for feasability currently. Also, was prolly me that suggested it as an interpretation of some other post, as it was a historically debated issue. However MoM, splitting credits would prevent people without donating from getting their upgrade fix (50 planets, probing upgrades, etc), which is prolly why they voted against it ;P.

Also, I have a grandfather who is indespensable to the VLA since he's the only one that can maintain his programs (though like the author of The Cuckoo's Egg, is an astronomer by education), and a grandmother that worked for IBM as a programmer, and was one of the programmers involved in fixing the Y2K bug. (Also, an aunt that's a webdesigner last I heard (asked her Mom for help with ColdFusion backend code, and Professor wrote programs with punchcards). So age and computers are clearly not mutually exclusive ;). Also, please consider what your kids and grandkids will think of you -- your kids may not understand a PC as seperate from a cell phone, and who knows what your grandkids will think ;P.

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

Force of nature.

MageofMaddness Paskelbta: 08:35:45 2006 03 24

Pranešimai: 1610

Temos: 121

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

Um yeah.... whats the population of America Iiri?.... how many people you know ca tell a story like yours?...... Computers are relatively new.... got popular around 1970 though some would date it later.....some earlier...... Programmers/ Coders ARNT Normal people...... Professors. ARNT normal people...... just like Scientists..... and Millionaires ARNT normal people.... you cant single out people who have jobs that require a "higher" level o fthinking than most people utilize daily and use them in a statistic with those that dont..... Iiri what do you know about open heart surgery?.... or brain transplants...... ?.... Im betting that as far as you know.. open heart transplants/ surgery is relatively new... and Brain transplants are imposible.....
well both are over 200 years old...... the first publicly funded heart transplant was bk in 1930 or summat and the first brain transplant was bk in 1880..... the reason you dont know about brain transplants is beacuse the methods havnt been deemed safe enough and cant be explained simplistically enough for the general public yet.... so in 2030 or so when they finally get it from the 30% success rate up to 70 or higher.... then all youre gonna hear is... WHOA....... Well Thas NEW..... and for You it will be..... but for scientists it will always be old news...... cloning is another one.... 300 years in the making.....
So your ppoint about programmers who are still alive thinking computers are old news is nothing...... cuz then I could say well.... cloning is 300 years old.... that sheep that lived for a couple days really wasnt a break through... he just managed to get public funding....... :P......

*and this topic is officially..... seriously off topic....... :P:)........


Difficult takes a Day.....
Impossible Takes a Week... ;)

SI For Life....

Proud USC member.....
Yeah keep it in the family....

AIM MageofMaddness
Yahoo '' ''

ICQ 309-502-911

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