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Arcanix Paskelbta: 11:06:03 2005 12 28

Pranešimai: 2036

Temos: 129

Valstybė: Portugal

Lytis: Vyras

do you think players who voted for 2% interest, were thinking about the game, or about their resources incoming getting higher?

Hope Paskelbta: 11:08:32 2005 12 28

Pranešimai: 6522

Temos: 415

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

either way they should stand by their vote and not complain ;)

I have no problem with intrest and would rather it was 0.5% but what can you do
It brings back hws which will happen over night
Skylords will return to a strategy game rather than who can take the most inactive hws in a round sort of game

Founder and Lord Admiral of The Legendary Swarm.

Go For It.

Filas Paskelbta: 11:09:14 2005 12 28

Pranešimai: 2042

Temos: 148

Valstybė: Lithuania

well, I'm interested how many people voted on that survey - I was out for Christmas and came back when survey was already over, so I have right to complain :D And it can be if there were possibility to vote 100% per day these 88% of noobs would vote for it :D

Country music, whiskey and OK

Bert2 Paskelbta: 11:21:47 2005 12 28

Pranešimai: 2477

Temos: 101

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

All of the AidG vets voted ;)

Was Skylords Main banker
Ex-Doggpound Member
Ex-Redrum Member
Ex-EidG member / banker
Ex-CidG / IDG Elite Force member
Ex-AidG Leader / Banker
Ex-Shikshiena Progress Clan
Ex-Shikshiena Jrs Clan Leader

My Brain is hung like a horse :P
14th Sep

Arcanix Paskelbta: 11:25:24 2005 12 28

Pranešimai: 2036

Temos: 129

Valstybė: Portugal

Lytis: Vyras

well, aidg is mostly gathering, they just want more resources ;)

Filas Paskelbta: 11:28:27 2005 12 28

Pranešimai: 2042

Temos: 148

Valstybė: Lithuania

"Skylords will return to a strategy game rather than who can take the most inactive hws in a round sort of game"

Strategy? The best long time strategy will be just to keep your planet number at the max and not attack any planet with shield, as attacking means kiling yourself, not your enemy :D

Country music, whiskey and OK

Hope Paskelbta: 11:38:29 2005 12 28

Pranešimai: 6522

Temos: 415

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

Ye abut for now its gonna be who can get most points without killing themselves :P

Founder and Lord Admiral of The Legendary Swarm.

Go For It.

Bert2 Paskelbta: 11:39:01 2005 12 28

Pranešimai: 2477

Temos: 101

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

Somehow I still think that we'll see the points board very active B)

Was Skylords Main banker
Ex-Doggpound Member
Ex-Redrum Member
Ex-EidG member / banker
Ex-CidG / IDG Elite Force member
Ex-AidG Leader / Banker
Ex-Shikshiena Progress Clan
Ex-Shikshiena Jrs Clan Leader

My Brain is hung like a horse :P
14th Sep

Filas Paskelbta: 11:50:25 2005 12 28

Pranešimai: 2042

Temos: 148

Valstybė: Lithuania

of course we'll see - as we are getting points for resources :D

Country music, whiskey and OK

Rukna Baisioji Akis Paskelbta: 12:32:16 2005 12 28

Pranešimai: 1374

Temos: 103

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

My brief vision of this deal with Hw's (imposible already):

No resources limit on planet (or highly increased).
1% interest rate for non-defensive resources.
Fixed market.
200% shield or lowered.
No buildings, no turets.
No points for storing.
Warp technology

That's all. A simple game with total majority having Hws. Try to see the whole view inspite of replying about keeping in ships, unsafe planets and etc. That interest rate and market change will definetely bring Hws. The safety can be reached by storing more deffensive resources, not by increasing the shield and making attacking completely worthless and unfair comparing to the attacks without crashing ships. Buildings....they are totally useless having an interest rate, which, conrarily, keeps the game simple.

PS. My knowledge is zero here, but i don't believe that increasing planet capacity is much more difficult than creating all those buildings. As buildings are a condition of Professor staying here active, so the vision is already impossible :D

I will defeat you. When you grow up, if you still feel raw about it, i'll be waiting.

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