Old Version
This is the way we dance,
With a twist and a twirl
We glide over the floor
With the other's all watching
Gazing at what they saw.
It seems every move that we make,
Makes us feel that,
We are angels in space
So people say
That this is what it's like
To dance with an angel in space.
New Version (so far):
This is the way we dance..
With a twist and a twirl;
We glide over the floor,
With the other's all watching,
Gazing at what they saw.
First Middle:
Time seems to slow down,
To every move that we make,
The feel of those moments;
Gliding like angels in space.
So this is what people say,
To dream into those eyes.
That this is what it's like,
And can never say goodbye.
Looking at you, face to face.
And dancing, with my angel in space.
Devona's Adaption
This is the way we dance..
With a twist and a twirl;
We glide over the floor,
With all the other's watching,
Gazing at what they saw.
First Middle:
Time seems to slow,
To every move we make,
The feel of the moments;
Like were angels dancing in space.
Second Middle
You're heavenly scents,
The beat of my heart starts to race,
The feel of the movements;
Like were angels dancing in space.
So this is what people say,
To dream into those eyes.
So this is what it's like,
We must never say goodbye.
Looking at you, face to face,
I must be dancing with my angel, in space.

'Be curious always'
'The power of thought, the magic of the mind'
Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.