Temos pavadinimas: CONTEST: 1,000 credits - popularity [deadline May 1] (Paprasta tema)

Autorius: Zygimantas

Tema pradėta: 19:00:24 2004 02 02

Pranešimai: 34 Paskutinis pranešimas: 15:53:39 2004 05 09. Autorius Evil Dr Abe

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Zygimantas Paskelbta: 19:00:24 2004 02 02

Pranešimai: 366

Temos: 79

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

The most deserved SkyLords player, who will do the best to increase game popularity, will receive 1,000 credits. As you now, there are many ways to inform other people about SkyLords. Directories, newsgroups, message boards, school, university, work etc.

If you have decided to participate, please read following rules:

Rule 1: Create one your own reply here. Do not post multiple replies. After making any action to increase SkyLords popularity, edit your post and post everything you had done.
Rule 2: Do not SPAM! Anyone who will be spamming, will be deleted. :hellno: If you don't know "what the spam is", please discuss about it in Off Topic Forum before taking any action.
Rule 3: Do not post to search engines (yahoo,google,dmoz,alltheweb,altavista etc.)
Rule 4: If you post a link into any gaming directory, please read directory's Terms of Service (TOS) before.

There will be 3 places:
1. 1,000 credits
2. 500 credits
3. 250 credits

I will decide which players did the best job and deserved to be rewarded.
Deadline: 1st of May, 2004.

Have fun! :)


"How will you prove that they actually did all this? Like the paphlet stuff? I could just make up a list of 50 things i could do. And then post it here, faking it all. And cheat others out of the 1000 credits!"

The most important things are the things I can check. For example posted links.
"Told a friend" will add very small bonus.

Zygimantas Paskelbta: 19:08:57 2004 02 02

Pranešimai: 366

Temos: 79

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

Example reply:

1. Posted a link to Information about skylords can be found here:
2. ...............
3. ...............

Wannix Paskelbta: 06:52:57 2004 02 03

Pranešimai: 1461

Temos: 158

Valstybė: Netherlands

Lytis: Vyras

# Made a pamflet that I attached to the timetable-changes board with the url and what the game was about!
# Wrote a review in Dutch for the school-journal...
# Made at a popular JediAcademy server a mod that displays at joining of the server Welcome! If you like Free Online Strategy Multiplayer Games, visit
# Sended a mail to all my friends about this nice game. A lot of ones tried it already by me.
# Made at a local church (my father is a 'talker in the church';) also a paper with a review with the best thing about the game, clan warfare.
# Posted Links: WebWizardz (Dutch) Webmensen (Dutch) Webfanaat (Dutch) HostileSpace, MMORPG (English) DutchOrder, there is a Banner at the top of each page.

Global Moderator

toXic brAin Paskelbta: 08:49:36 2004 02 03

Pranešimai: 189

Temos: 29

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

ISP: Telecom

1. made a advertising review in
2. send emails to all my friends :)
3. added a banner of SL to
4. added a banner of SL to
5. told about SL to all my family members in the imperial conflict game (i told them about this in the private family forum)

Everything is destroyed,
Sea is glowing green,
Some signs of mankind
Are still there...A new, superior
Kind was born.I'm the Emperor of Mutants!

YuGi Paskelbta: 10:44:08 2004 02 03

Pranešimai: 1963

Temos: 80

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

1. Sent E-Mails to all my friends
2.Put skylords url on my msn profile also saying "in my opinion the best online game around"
3.Did the same with my ICQ profile

"All Is Fair In Love And War"

A General Of The Masters Of Chaos
New Players Forum Moderator
Welsh and Damn Proud Of It
yahoo: YuGi19872003

Stiks Paskelbta: 13:42:55 2004 02 04

Pranešimai: 181

Temos: 21

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

1 Added your small banner to Clan site for RavenLoft NZ Clan (14 members from nukezone game clan will see plus the 30 members from Socom 2 Wrecking Crew Clan and anyother players in nukezone that happen to take a look at our site through our clan profile)....adding SL specific page soon with your big Banner on top ...

2: Sent emails to ppl on my freinds list in yahoo. after asking them if they like war games..
(35%yes/60%no/5%indifferent or no response)

Yes i am a pirate and if you wonder why, it is because i can be.

did i empty your assault he he

Evil Dr Abe Paskelbta: 09:12:38 2004 02 09

Pranešimai: 287

Temos: 36

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

1. Put skylords as my favourite link in my profile at msn gaming Zone which many people will see. (100,000 users on a decent night for complete msn gaming zone)
2. Also i introduced a firend at scholl to the game recently
3. Sent e-mails to people on my messager who i think may be interessed.
4. Put post in (thsi site has over 80000 thousand views all together) about the game about 250 people will view this and alot of them may join. Also i have entered the site name into my signature on this site

I am the Knight of Choas ALL FEAR ME

You will not stand to my charge
You shall feel my wrath

I sally from my Great Citidel of Hell

zyx Paskelbta: 03:36:00 2004 03 26

Pranešimai: 1976

Temos: 80

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

Who was that man from India who describe game in magazine Digit?

buzzzz Paskelbta: 04:20:48 2004 03 26

Pranešimai: 55

Temos: 18

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

It was in an article as an example of a good free online multiplayer game... it wasnt a player who described it...

most of joined after reading that :).... i guess the author would win if he were a player hehe


(whose success is ambient)

Strahd Paskelbta: 13:06:18 2004 03 29

Pranešimai: 121

Temos: 26

Valstybė: United States

Well stiks took all my ideas ill have to come up with new ones LOL but i have told lots of friends and cowboy is my brother in law and Tito is from our nukezone clan so hmmmmmmm

i have an idea Zigi in nukezone they give you a personal link for people you refer to click on and then when they do you get a bonus

its the same in kingsofchaos they have links for your friends and other people you refer to click its used in a couple of other games also well gtg cya all in the universe

eXpert Paskelbta: 13:16:25 2004 03 29

Pranešimai: 306

Temos: 16

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

I told my firend ! And he was very happy about this game!

ICQ 337250227

Put Your Hands Up

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