Temos pavadinimas: Upcoming Feature: Market Fees (Svarbi tema)

Autorius: Iiridayn

Tema pradėta: 17:02:14 2024 05 03

Pranešimai: 5 Paskutinis pranešimas: 20:54:44 2024 05 06. Autorius Zerohours

Iiridayn Paskelbta: 17:02:14 2024 05 03

Pranešimai: 1645

Temos: 98

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

The SkyLords market has been run by a scrappy startup transport company, struggling to monetize their offerings. While they thought they'd get rich off of high volume trading, they weren't very good at math and forgot to charge transportation fees. The founders are currently looking to cash out and entertaining offers from a few investors who have plans for the market. You can help them decide which offer to accept, or help them find ways to monetize their current business model!

In short, we'll be working on some adjustments to the market in the future. We will definitely be adding some form of listing and/or transaction fee to the market, whether in-kind (resources) or credits. Possibly longer-term, I would like to spawn pirateable ships in response to market activity. Should market purchases have a transfer time? How big should the market fees be?

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

Force of nature.

Iiridayn Paskelbta: 17:06:31 2024 05 03

Pranešimai: 1645

Temos: 98

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

I'm currently considering a 5% listing fee, a 10% transfer fee, resources travel in space via iflight in pirateable system-generated transports, and the fees would be in-kind and also produce system-generated pirateable resource cans in space.

In context of the story above, this would be classified as a buyout from a larger investor, as they will substitute their own logistics network and be looking to make good on the buyout costs.

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

Force of nature.

Zerohours Paskelbta: 20:05:04 2024 05 03

Pranešimai: 2443

Temos: 287

Valstybė: Canada

Lytis: Vyras

10/10 do not want market fees. Some kind of risk etc. sure. Fees no thanks.

I am here to help in anyway I can! Let's have fun!

FORTRANshadow Paskelbta: 09:53:19 2024 05 06

Pranešimai: 383

Temos: 17

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

As one who has exploited the "frictionless market" for quite some time, I think a transaction fee does make sense. I'm thinking it should be more like a credit card fee of 2.5% or so of the resources being moved.

That would still make large market transactions worth it for expedience or convenience, but would also promote more opportunity for piracy. It would also support the goal of removing some resources from the game world.

Iiridayn Paskelbta: 10:57:18 2024 05 06

Pranešimai: 1645

Temos: 98

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

Hmm. So, small, in-kind.

Not sure how just the fee promotes opportunities for piracy, unless you're also thinking of the idea of resources have a travel time and can be intercepted, since part of the suggestion was that resources would not be removed from the game world - just moved to something that can be pirated.

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

Force of nature.

Zerohours Paskelbta: 20:54:44 2024 05 06

Pranešimai: 2443

Temos: 287

Valstybė: Canada

Lytis: Vyras

Make me do 10s or 100s of freighter jumps instead of using the market. I mean we could but that sounds unpleasant.

I am here to help in anyway I can! Let's have fun!

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