Temos pavadinimas: Welcome (Paprasta tema)

Autorius: Tom Bomadial

Tema pradėta: 07:05:11 2016 03 29

Pranešimai: 12 Paskutinis pranešimas: 19:52:22 2016 06 12. Autorius Zerohours

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Tom Bomadial Paskelbta: 07:05:11 2016 03 29

Pranešimai: 423

Temos: 76

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

I want to welcome all the new players!
Here is the status:
1. An uneasy peace is going on! Those with high scores have worked a long time to produce a group of players that do no trounce on new players. So proceed with caution.
2. The System Administrator does have a few planets which are to be left alone. If the planet is owned by the System Administrator- do not take or attack!
3. Censorship is practiced! So keep both private and public posts G rated!
We know it takes awhile to get the hang of probing and other parts of the game. So feel free to ask.
This game is meant to be enjoyed! So enjoy!
Awards are given each month- try to be in the top of what ever group (it is by time playing).
Vote! On the home screen there are links to vote at sites that promote gaming. This generates credits that can be used for game up-grades (purchased per calendar month) or used to buy supplies off of the market.
Market is not part of the tutorials.
There is a battle zone- the first fifteen spaces from 0:0:0 are where you will find warp. (+/- 15:+/-15:0). The planets within the first 100 units of 0:0:0 can not be obliterated or abandoned. They are all most all 20's (they should be all 20's). (+/-100:+/-100:+/-100)
Good hunting

"Is not easily provoked"
It is not good to wake a sleeping bear

Lakamar Sinji Paskelbta: 13:20:30 2016 04 21

Pranešimai: 1056

Temos: 78

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

I found a new player... 13:16:48 | Lakamar Sinji has found the planet of GirlsxxxPali.

I have extended a PM to offer help but already looks inactive...

Promoting friendship and harmony throughout the galaxy

Join the faith of the :tiger:

Tired Old Tiger of The Swarm

Zerohours Paskelbta: 16:13:59 2016 04 21

Pranešimai: 2443

Temos: 287

Valstybė: Canada

Lytis: Vyras

All we can do is continue to pm them and see what happens.

I am here to help in anyway I can! Let's have fun!

ReaperOfSouls Paskelbta: 18:55:22 2016 04 21

Pranešimai: 266

Temos: 15

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

I've pmed 3 who actually started on missions and none have replied. One was Aleccia who happened to make a post on the forums afterwards. But she never responded to pm, nor to her forum post. Nor has she been in the news anymore since making that post. The universe is becoming littered with noob systems that never even tried. I loved Nim's push for recruitment, but of all those hundreds of people who've given SL a shot, not a single one has actually stuck around past 22 points. I saw Omega1 in the news earlier but he also stopped @ 22 points.

Previous Aliases:
JR Scovill
Future SL Ruler
Reaper Of Souls
Reaper Of Souls2

Exemplary Strategy Paskelbta: 23:04:01 2016 04 24

Pranešimai: 928

Temos: 47

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

After 22 points you have to probe, which is the hardest thing to grasp as a new player, in my opinion anyways.
You've captured two spc planets, killed one ship and colonized three greens and then you have to actually search for planets with probes which if I recall correctly is not well explained in the training mission, maybe it's the wording or people just not understanding how to know where to send the probe, either case it seems to be easy and bam, you hit a wall, probing incorrectly is extremely costly in gold for a new player and waiting a day or two for more makes it very easy to lose interest in a game even if you would normally like it.

We have wings on our backs and we have horns on our heads, our fangs are sharp and our eyes are red, we're not quite demons or the one that fell, so choose to join us or go straight to hell!

Loyal as any dog.

Zerohours Paskelbta: 15:59:26 2016 04 25

Pranešimai: 2443

Temos: 287

Valstybė: Canada

Lytis: Vyras

#remove probing mission.

I am here to help in anyway I can! Let's have fun!

Exemplary Strategy Paskelbta: 10:54:49 2016 04 27

Pranešimai: 928

Temos: 47

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

#Create and embed a probing training video/example.

We have wings on our backs and we have horns on our heads, our fangs are sharp and our eyes are red, we're not quite demons or the one that fell, so choose to join us or go straight to hell!

Loyal as any dog.

ReaperOfSouls Paskelbta: 12:32:23 2016 04 27

Pranešimai: 266

Temos: 15

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras


Previous Aliases:
JR Scovill
Future SL Ruler
Reaper Of Souls
Reaper Of Souls2

Exemplary Strategy Paskelbta: 13:05:05 2016 04 27

Pranešimai: 928

Temos: 47

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

That wouldn't help new players in the newbie arena..?

We have wings on our backs and we have horns on our heads, our fangs are sharp and our eyes are red, we're not quite demons or the one that fell, so choose to join us or go straight to hell!

Loyal as any dog.

ReaperOfSouls Paskelbta: 14:02:21 2016 04 27

Pranešimai: 266

Temos: 15

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

Too easy, enter the real arena and give me your coords :P

Previous Aliases:
JR Scovill
Future SL Ruler
Reaper Of Souls
Reaper Of Souls2

Iiridayn Paskelbta: 14:21:13 2016 06 11

Pranešimai: 1645

Temos: 98

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

Yeah - I think probing should possibly be an advanced technique, which they can learn as they go; even many vets do little of it. I'd've liked probing to be more useful in the meta-game, but since it seems to be harming conversion, I agree that I should move learning it elsewhere, or perhaps pre-populate coordinates for a single system or something.

More generally, I've seen successful game designs have smaller, easier wins more frequently for beginning players, followed by a decrease in speed after the first day or two as power rises. I'm not quite sure how to implement that in SL though, unless planets have a quality or something; but then the growth rate of bigger players would still be beyond something new players could match. Something about logarithms maybe.

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

Force of nature.

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