Temos pavadinimas: Emails from SkyLords (Paprasta tema)
Autorius: Iiridayn
Tema pradėta: 14:57:39 2015 01 23
Pranešimai: 10 Paskutinis pranešimas: 13:28:33 2015 02 20. Autorius Shadow Stalker
Iiridayn | Paskelbta: 14:57:39 2015 01 23 |
Pranešimai: 1645 Temos: 98 Valstybė: United States Lytis: Vyras |
I don't know how many of you have noticed it (probably all of you by now
watupdogg | Paskelbta: 15:13:05 2015 01 23 |
Pranešimai: 2391 Temos: 346 Valstybė: Portugal Lytis: Vyras |
Great thanks for the effort in trying to fix the issue. |
Tom Bomadial | Paskelbta: 10:26:39 2015 01 25 |
Pranešimai: 423 Temos: 76 Valstybė: United States Lytis: Vyras |
Yes, thank you for all the effort
zygimantasb | Paskelbta: 06:03:24 2015 01 28 |
Pranešimai: 6 Temos: 1 |
Just use an external email service provider, like mailgun, sendgrid or something similar. ISPs has never been reliable for handling massive number of outbound email messages. |
Exemplary Strategy | Paskelbta: 07:08:23 2015 01 29 |
Pranešimai: 928 Temos: 47 Valstybė: United States Lytis: Vyras |
Naltsa Abe | Paskelbta: 13:51:45 2015 01 31 |
Pranešimai: 1600 Temos: 236 Valstybė: United Kingdom Lytis: Vyras |
Maybe just mention during registration hotmail does not currently work?
zygimantasb | Paskelbta: 08:35:58 2015 02 01 |
Pranešimai: 6 Temos: 1 |
Also take a look at SPF and DKIM records, they are easy to setup and might help with email delivery. |
Shadow Stalker | Paskelbta: 13:05:01 2015 02 20 |
Pranešimai: 11468 Temos: 322 Valstybė: United Kingdom Lytis: Vyras |
ah guess this might be why I had to repeatedly try and guess my password lol
Serenity | Paskelbta: 13:11:21 2015 02 20 |
Pranešimai: 39 Temos: 0 Valstybė: United States Lytis: Moteris |
Good job on guessing it correctly!
Cajin Von Sian | Paskelbta: 13:25:15 2015 02 20 |
Pranešimai: 495 Temos: 79 Valstybė: Angola Lytis: Vyras |
Welcome back SS |
Shadow Stalker | Paskelbta: 13:28:33 2015 02 20 |
Pranešimai: 11468 Temos: 322 Valstybė: United Kingdom Lytis: Vyras |
good to be back lets see how long my shocking memory reminds me to keep logging in for
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