Temos pavadinimas: What I would do.... (Paprasta tema)

Autorius: Naltsa Abe

Tema pradėta: 05:38:37 2014 01 04

Pranešimai: 13 Paskutinis pranešimas: 12:32:33 2014 10 16. Autorius Alpha Code

Ankstesnis 1 2  Sekantis

Naltsa Abe Paskelbta: 05:38:37 2014 01 04

Pranešimai: 1600

Temos: 236

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

Let the obiteration commence.

As far as I'm concerned there have been a few things that have never quite sat right with me about this game if a full rework is coming, I'd like to think they were addressed.

Planet Destruction - I'm not looking for some sort of 3D OGame here but to a point being able to destroy planets so easily has resulted in one thing, vast empty areas of space, probing is nonsense, I mean it took too long its rather simple if someone can come and wipe out areas with nearby planet whats the point of probing. Therefore I would like to see a cost for blowing planets sky high, even give planets resource limits. For instance this planet can make troops till the cows come home and milk themselves, but there is finite Vital/Iron/Uranium etc

Assault Ships..... Why do they die in a single assault, there should be drop ships something, not blast the ship to oblivion, even if it costs something e.g. a refit, it does not mean that the ship should just be destroyed. Also it should be noted these ships should have defenses, fighter defenses, Having to destroy planet defenses to assault it is all well and good but you would not need to destroy them all in order to launch an attack. Some form of balance could be worked out, maybe use probabilities...

Fighters.... Repairable?! No Carrier?! simple really

Pathfinding - I love the clicking on the map, but to a point I should be able to click anywhere visable and move there, especially above and below, maybe instead of seeing 3-4 around, have 3 layers, with 9 squares representing the 26 squares directly around. Also put a radar on the ships so that you can see that there are other ships around and allow you to click on them and "pursue" that ship, Autopilot, make the ship move once a second towards the enemy and instant shot if its possible (e.g. is your ship a fighter)

Homeworld - A players homeworld and buildings on that planet should be protected. In other words you cannot lose that planet. Maybe only allow raiding on this planet, basically its too well defended to destroy. This is a feature of every game like this, if we could be on 24/7 then fine allow total defeat, otherwise its just a massive turn off for new players. Here Build for a week and get instantly wiped out.

Desertion - On planets other than your homeworld, if you do not log in for a week/month, your troops start deserting there posts, and the defenses of the planet go down.

I think these should be easy enough to implement, well except the pathfinding one, but I would be back playing if even some of these were redone. I think we all accept at some point for the game to continue the galaxy will be wiped so everything is implementable.

Now bring on the abuse

Naltsa Abe, The one, the only, the craziest welshman in the game!

You may have the troops and the assaults to go with them, but always remember....

I have crashed the server!!!

DAngel Paskelbta: 05:49:09 2014 01 04

Pranešimai: 744

Temos: 57

Valstybė: United Kingdom

I would love to see a few extra servers being made, like OGame. This would give everyone a chance to start fresh while keeping their old saves. This would probably not be good though as we would be splitting the user base :-(

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Tiernan19 Paskelbta: 06:41:35 2014 01 04

Pranešimai: 244

Temos: 39

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

naltse what i would love is to see u active again :D same with u Dangel

The Swarm

Plan for what is difficult while it is easy, do what is great while it is small.

Serenity my beautiful baby girl was born 7/13/09
RIP:Father 8/3/10
RIP:Sister in law 2/4/19

General Stonewall Paskelbta: 10:25:38 2014 01 04

Pranešimai: 2187

Temos: 23

Valstybė: Costa Rica

Lytis: Vyras

I'll second that motion

-People in the dark cause accidents, accidents in the dark cause people.

-Eternal Light "Yeah, You pretty much just "Head F****d me".
-Eternal Light"Ill get training them now your highness"

Tom Bomadial Paskelbta: 11:14:17 2014 01 05

Pranešimai: 423

Temos: 76

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

I just don't know how large a old timers fleet would get if ships were not taken out of action in an assault. The idea of having dedicated ships was (I think) to simulate a fleet action instead of a single ship action. However none of the game programing allows for a fighter to defend either an assault or transport that it is accompanying. At present I don't know if the system could handle designated fleets for planet assaults or fleet movements. I am sure that working out a routine for a active player attacking an inactive players fleet is plausible.

"Is not easily provoked"
It is not good to wake a sleeping bear

Iiridayn Paskelbta: 22:35:20 2014 01 06

Pranešimai: 1645

Temos: 98

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

Naltsa Abe: those sound like interesting ideas; I honestly don't see the use for a carrier. As I understand it it would do nothing more than the fleet grouping iflight does, but would take more time to code than I think I'd like to spend. Adding a cost to obliterate planets does sound appealing, such as 1 MU E or something like that.

Tom Bomadial: though none of the programming permits a fighter to defend an accompanied assault, it really feels like it should be able to, doesn't it?

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

Force of nature.

Tom Bomadial Paskelbta: 16:53:50 2014 01 08

Pranešimai: 423

Temos: 76

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

Now I have been doing some thought on this. Maybe my conclusions are wrong.
If a game is going to run as long as this one has- any other way of doing things would have made the game static a long time ago. Meaning that with out planet drops every thing would have been built up and it would not be possible for a new player to get a foot hold at all. For example there are or have been HW lists several hundred long. With out the ability to remove a planet the game would soon stagnate and even those still playing would get bored. The price might be too cheap (free) but the feature has kept the game alive. The added expense might prove to be too steep for new players. I do admit the destruction of planets faster then the drops is irritating to me- because I tend to try and make the most of manufacturing instead of raiding. But offsetting this for players like myself keeping a near-by free zone is possible.
I still wish there was a way to put inactive players into suspension. At least leave then a few planets and drop them off of the current leader board. Kind of like the new player area. That way a player could return with out penalty and space would be cleared up for possible new players.
Iri, you are the programmer, I have no idea on how difficult anything would be. I appreciate your work. Now is it just my system or have you been cleaning up the graphics- the screen has been looking better for some reason.

"Is not easily provoked"
It is not good to wake a sleeping bear

Tiernan19 Paskelbta: 07:30:28 2014 01 21

Pranešimai: 244

Temos: 39

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

what u guys say about the fighters are true BUT it was just be to act like a carrier for its not like u really know where assaults fleet is going to land all ur told is intrution and time to have a need for fighters to go with assault is if n the message u got coords to where the ship or ships are going to land so if u where to progam this u would have to add coords to intrution list ..........and about it costing something to blow up a planet would have to be energy,uranium,hydro but in adding this would do wrong to the game i feel since it never has costed n the past

The Swarm

Plan for what is difficult while it is easy, do what is great while it is small.

Serenity my beautiful baby girl was born 7/13/09
RIP:Father 8/3/10
RIP:Sister in law 2/4/19

Tiernan19 Paskelbta: 07:44:41 2014 01 21

Pranešimai: 244

Temos: 39

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

if ur thinking of things to add as some of the things talked of n the past the clan planet target a max or more then maxed planet spawn once a months 1pre clan homeworld would be nice could also be add to stats and would lead about to sniping of planets if a clan dosent kill it asap.............also othere would be a ship to find ships that have just been sitting since the dawn of time dont know how u would do range to make it worth it but not worth it so u can still leave ships out or could make a new upgrade costing 1k or more credits to keep ships hiden from said ship which would make for playing having to be active in order to keep said ships/res also would incase sales of credits and or active n rounds to win said credits<------------these are upgrades adds we need the ones that keep the game active,fun,aggresive, and most of all profit for u/full time progammer and or equipment to keep the game running cause lits face it a reprogammer that u have talked about sounds more like a SL two a tottle remake revamp of the game

The Swarm

Plan for what is difficult while it is easy, do what is great while it is small.

Serenity my beautiful baby girl was born 7/13/09
RIP:Father 8/3/10
RIP:Sister in law 2/4/19

Naltsa Abe Paskelbta: 16:10:12 2014 01 30

Pranešimai: 1600

Temos: 236

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

Iiri! You are about!

Well the only reason I saw for the carrier is that fighters have limited size, and while there is fleet movements, moving a large force of fighters is extremely expensive.

For Balance Tom is may be worth bringing in a max ship count, for instance, you can only have x amount of each model type. Also simply you have to remember that its always been Troops that limit attacks rather than assault numbers.

DA I don't believe in multiple servers, to be honest it means the first server ends up empty and so on so forth.

Obliteration - If you made the planets limited, as in it has x amount or Iron etc, obliteration will not stop as once they are empty you will end up destroying them.

Naltsa Abe, The one, the only, the craziest welshman in the game!

You may have the troops and the assaults to go with them, but always remember....

I have crashed the server!!!

Tiernan19 Paskelbta: 15:01:52 2014 02 09

Pranešimai: 244

Temos: 39

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

naltsa abe i agree with the mult serever thing alwasy ends up killing the first and sec n so on but if iiri would shut down for a total rewrite should do what was done for the crash copy paste everything here to a SL2 so to say but also instead of a server 1 and 2 something that i dont ever think has been brought up is a speed round type of thing that would restart every round same format of everything accpet planets produce 10x the amount n a day and instead of a player defeat and times defeat it would be times won times lose

The Swarm

Plan for what is difficult while it is easy, do what is great while it is small.

Serenity my beautiful baby girl was born 7/13/09
RIP:Father 8/3/10
RIP:Sister in law 2/4/19

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