Temos pavadinimas: Bored (Paprasta tema)
Autorius: VitoEOD
Tema pradėta: 05:51:50 2012 04 26
Pranešimai: 14 Paskutinis pranešimas: 16:11:36 2012 04 27. Autorius VitoEOD
VitoEOD | Paskelbta: 05:51:50 2012 04 26 |
Pranešimai: 29 Temos: 11 Valstybė: United States Lytis: Vyras |
What color is the sky?
GhostOfWar | Paskelbta: 05:59:05 2012 04 26 |
Pranešimai: 17 Temos: 3 Valstybė: United Kingdom |
I don't think the sky has colour... does it? |
VitoEOD | Paskelbta: 06:03:01 2012 04 26 |
Pranešimai: 29 Temos: 11 Valstybė: United States Lytis: Vyras |
idk i was thinking that between the reyons of light being filtered through the shaningans of the earth it might end up turning green before all is said and done with
GhostOfWar | Paskelbta: 06:19:50 2012 04 26 |
Pranešimai: 17 Temos: 3 Valstybė: United Kingdom |
I guess that even though it is actually transparent, due to us seeing it as blue, green, grey etc, I suppose it does have a colour.
VitoEOD | Paskelbta: 06:41:47 2012 04 26 |
Pranešimai: 29 Temos: 11 Valstybė: United States Lytis: Vyras |
Ha i knew i was....should have figured you were to
Lasnafu | Paskelbta: 08:27:22 2012 04 26 |
Pranešimai: 75 Temos: 3 Valstybė: United Kingdom Lytis: Vyras |
Sigh, ok I will straighten you out. Assuming you can see colour (some people can't lets not forget) then you see the sky as the colour of wavelength that is being 'most' scattered by the atmosphere.
General Stonewall | Paskelbta: 08:58:53 2012 04 26 |
Pranešimai: 2187 Temos: 23 Valstybė: Costa Rica Lytis: Vyras |
Las don't you think most people are sick of reading about the Redding Effect by the time they are out of High School?
Lasnafu | Paskelbta: 09:18:08 2012 04 26 |
Pranešimai: 75 Temos: 3 Valstybė: United Kingdom Lytis: Vyras |
I dunno, high school was a long time ago, sadly I can't quite remember what was intersting or not...except girls, music and um...certain other vices and figuring out how to get them, yah that was pretty interesting. |
VitoEOD | Paskelbta: 09:18:26 2012 04 26 |
Pranešimai: 29 Temos: 11 Valstybė: United States Lytis: Vyras |
i'm still confused
General Stonewall | Paskelbta: 09:59:32 2012 04 26 |
Pranešimai: 2187 Temos: 23 Valstybė: Costa Rica Lytis: Vyras |
VitoEOD | Paskelbta: 10:06:31 2012 04 26 |
Pranešimai: 29 Temos: 11 Valstybė: United States Lytis: Vyras |
that was the easy part, except the girls they are even more confusing than trig or chemistry