Temos pavadinimas: Live News (Paprasta tema)

Autorius: Zerohours

Tema pradėta: 22:43:01 2011 11 06

Pranešimai: 5 Paskutinis pranešimas: 12:06:21 2012 04 23. Autorius MBIK

Zerohours Paskelbta: 22:43:01 2011 11 06

Pranešimai: 2443

Temos: 287

Valstybė: Canada

Lytis: Vyras

Can we have it?

I am here to help in anyway I can! Let's have fun!

Exemplary Strategy Paskelbta: 00:02:55 2011 11 07

Pranešimai: 928

Temos: 47

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

doy ou remember
because i do, they took it away :( it had a chat, and real time updating of news without refreshing, every 5 sec automatically.

We have wings on our backs and we have horns on our heads, our fangs are sharp and our eyes are red, we're not quite demons or the one that fell, so choose to join us or go straight to hell!

Loyal as any dog.

me naam is m Paskelbta: 04:30:29 2011 11 07

Pranešimai: 985

Temos: 37

Valstybė: Netherlands

Lytis: Vyras

Whelp, it all depends on somebody building a bit on the SL server that takes the news updates to the irc.

I thought a while about using emissary for that purpose, but for that to work somebody or something still has to send every news update to emissary. Might as well do it the straight way, then.

Where has the rum gone!?

DAngel Paskelbta: 03:38:45 2012 04 08

Pranešimai: 744

Temos: 57

Valstybė: United Kingdom

SL Satallite is still knocking around my harddrive somewhere,.. I lost the program I made for the serial keys but luckily a very talented friend of mine cracked SL Satallite for me :-) Once I get all the code sorted I will re-host it for free on my site...

When its like it will be at

Admin and site owner of - -

The home of SL Satellite and other great tutorials!

EL Paskelbta: 06:13:40 2012 04 09

Pranešimai: 1705

Temos: 182

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

Please hurry with SL Sat :D

MBIK Paskelbta: 12:06:21 2012 04 23

Pranešimai: 1832

Temos: 84

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

It appears that the sentence "You can get live news by joining the official SkyLords IRC Server." in the Global News page is misleading.

This post was made of recycled electrons.

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