Temos pavadinimas: Diary of a Starting Player (Svarbi tema)

Autorius: Etrius

Tema pradėta: 11:45:07 2009 07 31

Pranešimai: 21 Paskutinis pranešimas: 20:59:52 2014 07 28. Autorius Serenity

Ankstesnis 1 2  Sekantis

Etrius Paskelbta: 11:45:07 2009 07 31

Pranešimai: 426

Temos: 26

Lytis: Vyras

Diary of a Starting Player

Basically this is a guide on what I did/am doing while I am in Newbie Arena, as a general guide on how to get a flying start to Skylords on a day to day basis. This is just a general guide on how to quickly start up so that you can get a maximum start for when you arrive in Real Arena. However, please keep note that at a certain point I go off on a personal tangent and this is not completely recommended.

I will note that when I started I had no resources apart from what was on my first planet only. No credits in reserve and no ability to get any other benefit than what you normally start with.

This is the end!
Still your need is driven on, driven on..
As we trigger one last bomb!

Gortozet 'm eus, gortozet pell
E skeud teñval tourioù gell
E skeud teñval an tourioù glav
C'hwi am gwelo 'c'hortoz atav

Etrius Paskelbta: 11:45:41 2009 07 31

Pranešimai: 426

Temos: 26

Lytis: Vyras

Day 1:

Upon starting the tutorials, I managed to get to Mission 11 without issue. I built a 15k space assault, which was able to take the planets which were nearby my first system bringing me to 6 planets before running out of troops.

From here, I went to the HOME page, and claimed the credits from voting on the front page, which was 18 credits in total (the 10 per week vote, and the 4 votes gaining 8 credits which is daily).

I used the credits to buy gold, which at the point of this writing, was worth 9 credits per 100,000. I used this gold to create a mass of probes and probed around for GREEN uncolonised planets around my home planet.

To do this, I used the multiples from my homeworld.

Eg: Starting location was for example 6000, 6000,-6000.
Probes went as follows: (as in newbie galaxy, you have the full upgrade of 400 range for the first round)

6800, 6000, -6000 - Probe 1
6000, 6800, -6000 - Probe 2
6000, 6000, -6800 - Probe 3
5200, 6000, -6000 - Probe 4
6000, 5200, -6000 - Probe 5
6000, 6000, -5200 - Probe 6
6800, 6800, -6000 - Probe 7
6800, 6000, -6800 - Probe 8
6000, 6800, -6800 - Probe 9
6800, 6800, -6800 - Probe 10
5200, 5200, -6000 - Probe 11
5200, 6000, -5200 - Probe 12
6000, 5200, -5200 - Probe 13
5200, 5200, -5200 - Probe 14
6800, 5200, -6000 - Probe 15
6800, 6000, -5200 - Probe 16
6800, 5200, -5200 - Probe 17
5200, 6800, -6000 - Probe 18
6000, 6800, -5200 - Probe 19
5200, 6800 - 5200 - Probe 20

And so forth, any 1 registered planet at a co-ordinate usually has 2 Green planets next to it.

It is true this is including the planets own 1000 Nearby Range, but we're looking for uncolonised green worlds, not for planets to attack.

I colonised all those worlds, adding to my planet production count and took the troops back to my HW and used the iron I had seized to create a 50k assault with the iron I had.

With this now sizable assault and the troops taken from the uncolonised worlds, I captured 1 more system of planets and with the gold I had taken from this system and the colonised worlds, I also made more probes and found more.

By the end of the day I had 25 planets (the maximum without upgrades), with only 9 captured.

All planets were set to create Troops and Vital in equal amounts with any planet which had a spare point placed to production of iron.

Eg: x10 Planets were 5 vital, 5 troop.
x9 planets were 4 vital, 4 troop, 1 iron

This, is a good start. :D

This is the end!
Still your need is driven on, driven on..
As we trigger one last bomb!

Gortozet 'm eus, gortozet pell
E skeud teñval tourioù gell
E skeud teñval an tourioù glav
C'hwi am gwelo 'c'hortoz atav

Etrius Paskelbta: 11:47:56 2009 07 31

Pranešimai: 426

Temos: 26

Lytis: Vyras

Day 2:

From all the planets I harvested slowly with the 25k transport I had originally given. This was a slow and long process which then made me realise I needed a MUCH larger transport, in which I decided a 150k piracy transport would be the best idea, being able to harvest 2 systems at the same time in storage, which would help considerably.

To aid my harvesting in future, I renamed all my planets in a designation order, so that all planets in one system would be named after one word.

Arrakis I, Arrakis II, Arrakis III (3 planet system)
Beta I, Beta II (2 planet system)

This was to prevent myself wasting hydrogen by jumping to a system multiple times. Each jump costing 100 hydrogen each time.

I stopped using the 15k assault I had made originally and continued to use the 50k assault, as the smaller assault was not worth using and putting experience on.

For 150,000 Iron, it is a horrific task, so I needed to capture alot more planets. While capturing new worlds, when I found a x20 production planet system, I took those and obliterated the lowest production point planet I had (excluding my HW), which means that I would get more and more resources over time.

When the time came, I claimed the 8 credits for the day, but found there was nothing I could buy, so I put the spare silicon, hydrogen and uranium I had on market in the hope some would be sold for extra, but alas no avail.

I already had 70k iron on my hw already so getting to 150k was a easy task with all the troops I had amassed, and with the experience of my 50k assault going up every capture, it was costing me less and less to take systems.

Eventually I had my 150k iron and I created my transport.


10k attack (10k energy used from the colonised worlds, no great loss)
50k defense (from all the worlds I had captured I had plenty to spare)
Piracy enabled & Hyperdrive enabled (Luckily I had the gold available to make this)
150k storage (costing a horrific 150k iron)

Once with this transport, I was now able to steal from other ships, and also hold a great deal more and defend myself should this ship encounter a active player (which is low in newbie but shouldn't be discounted). Hyperdrive was obviously needed, as I needed the jump capability to harvest.

At the end of the day, I had nearly all planets at x20, with a few less than that, and decided my Homeworld planet would move the next day once I had them all at x20.

At this point however, I had quite a stockpile of Vital resources, which is what troop creation eats up.

Normally with equal amounts on troop/vital production, it only produces troops and you have no vital loss. I decided to burn up as much of this vital as possible making sure there was enough on each planet to last 12 hours, (in which i would be up probably 8 hours later).

Instead of 300 troops per 15 minutes, it created 600 troops per 15 minutes but ate 600 vital accordingly.

You have to be back before the vital runs out, as the game is designed to not produce AT ALL if the time since you logged in over exceeds vital storage.

(time x production of troops) =! Vital amount.

So with that set up and the remaining planets at x10 vital/x10 troop production, I logged out. :D

This is the end!
Still your need is driven on, driven on..
As we trigger one last bomb!

Gortozet 'm eus, gortozet pell
E skeud teñval tourioù gell
E skeud teñval an tourioù glav
C'hwi am gwelo 'c'hortoz atav

Etrius Paskelbta: 11:53:23 2009 07 31

Pranešimai: 426

Temos: 26

Lytis: Vyras

Day 3:

I decided when I logged on and saw the amount of troops I had, I figured the 50k assault was going to be too small for real arena, it may be fine for SP planets, but when I get to real arena, a true sized assault would be required. This required the monumental task of 500k iron. (which I had 90k at the time after yesterdays SP attacks).

I claimed my 8 credits again, which brought me to 16 credits total. Nothing had sold annoyingly but then there clearly isnt any demand yet.

Very well, I looked at market, and saw what I could get, I couldn't get any iron for my assault (was 18 credits) but I could get Gold, or Vital. Uranium and hydrogen at this point I had plenty, but I decided the Vital would be more useful as the gold.

My logic was: more troops = more captured resources. So all 16 credits went buying 100,000 vital to make more troops.

From here, I went to collect my troops and began my continued attacks and scouting.

Today was interesting, I picked up two human players (who shall remain un-named) in which I was friendly to one, and neutral to another (well neutral for now) :D

From investigating the planet, I found he had over 400,000 troops on it. However, his assault was undocked and had troops on it.

Since I knew the player (and hes a great guy, honest), I decided to "borrow" the troops in question, just more than 40k of them, with intention to give back later (no, you dont need to do that personally).

This would be the danger of leaving ships out in the open not docked and loaded with troops. Wouldnt do this personally. :D

With troops extra, they helped get me one more system than I would had managed and I was up to 370k iron, not quite enough for my assault but close enough.

The Vital I had collected from these attacks was growing and since it was early, I set up for a short period of time but over all planets at x20 troop production, (as I had the time to wait) and the Vital got returned to me within 3 hours as troops, and was reused in attacks.

That 100,000 vital clearly made a difference.

As attacks continued, I managed JUST to get my 500k assault before having to recycle the Vital again.

At this point, I started to use the 500k assault, although the 50k assault had 200% experience, so I decided to keep it, as it might still be useful in future.

(At this point, you need not continue with this diary, you have all the basics needed to start off in Real, simply collecting troops on all x20 planets will give for the remaining 27 days would give the following)

On the assumption none of your planets are taken when the 14 day Newbie Arena immunity is up.

300 production per planet, per 15 minutes. = 1200 per hour.
1200 per hour x 24 planets (your HW will have SHIELDS UP, so no production) = 28,800 production per hr.
28,800 troops x 24 hours x 27 days = 18.6624mil troops.

The defense of your homeworld with these troops/energy would be:
18.66mil +200% shields = 55.98million

However, your planet can only hold 16mil troops, so you would need to switch to energy when you reach 16 million.

Keep claiming the credits every day each time you log in, and KEEP HARVESTING each day all the troops to your HW to make it safer.

When you do leave Newbie Galaxy, you would enter real arena with:

(1) 500k Combat Assault
(1) 150k Piracy Transport
(1) HW with 55.98 million defense. (no structures however)
(24) 20x Production planets
Approximately 246 credits (voting each day and getting those 10 credit per week votes too)
Approx 700k silicon/uranium/hydrogen, barely any iron/gold.

I havent gone into the methods of spreading out yet or survivability, but that will come in later days. For me right now, this is not urgent, as I have 11 more days of immunity left.

This is the end!
Still your need is driven on, driven on..
As we trigger one last bomb!

Gortozet 'm eus, gortozet pell
E skeud teñval tourioù gell
E skeud teñval an tourioù glav
C'hwi am gwelo 'c'hortoz atav

Etrius Paskelbta: 19:11:09 2009 07 31

Pranešimai: 426

Temos: 26

Lytis: Vyras


Should you read beyond this, this is the Deemer's Gambit method. It's not recommended AT ALL, because in truth, I'm a lunatic, but it is being documented for insight. However, please read the Critical Notes should they come up.

Day 4:

I've been conquering planets left and centre as my carnage through newbie galaxy continues. At the moment I've managed to smash a 500k Assault up to 200%, which is extremely valuable.

Explanation below:



Each of these 500k assaults at full experience (which is 200%), according to reliable sources is worth 1.3mil T, so my plan is to enter Real with some "insurance ships" as well as my Homeworld.

These assaults are valuable as their damage output is tripled, going from 500k troop attack power, to 1.5mil attack power, which makes them invaluable for Homeworld attack.



As time goes on, my resources of Silicon, Hydrogen and Uranium is steadily rising, the amount of energy im finding on uncolonised planets has grown slightly, I'm up to 200k energy purely from these planets. Again, they are on market as it stands with the rest of my resources ploughing towards the aim of getting another 500k assault ready to be the 2nd one.

Planets continue to repeat themselves, but now my plans are beginning to change, I'm slowly expanding outwards from my power base, away from my main hub, so with me spreading out, it decreases the chance of complete annihilation.



Spreading out your planets is a critical mention in skylords, a horrific circumstance in Skylords is "chaining" in which one system is conquered, leads to the next owned system which is within the 1000 detection range of the planet, and then moves to the next, until it either leads to the HW or stops. Destroying these "chains" helps with survival, spreading out further ensures that you dont lose all your production planets early.



Suffice to say, I've been lucky so far, someone has bought quite a significant number of my materials which has helped out alot so I can buy some more vital later. Again, the more vital I have, the more troops I will have later.

Eventually I will start looking beyond my actual sector type (when i say sector I mean category such as plus plus minus (+,+,-) or minus plus minus (-,+,-)

As it stands, its going well. :D

This is the end!
Still your need is driven on, driven on..
As we trigger one last bomb!

Gortozet 'm eus, gortozet pell
E skeud teñval tourioù gell
E skeud teñval an tourioù glav
C'hwi am gwelo 'c'hortoz atav

Shadow Stalker Paskelbta: 11:55:21 2009 08 01

Pranešimai: 11468

Temos: 322

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

made sticky in hope new players will read it :)

It's allways been my fault

Etrius Paskelbta: 14:43:40 2009 08 01

Pranešimai: 426

Temos: 26

Lytis: Vyras

Day 5:

(Beginning of New Round)

I logged on this morning to find that I was top of my particular Class, and that due to this, I was to recieve a credit reward. With these credits, and the few hundred credits I had amassed over night, I was able to use the UPGRADE screen and get some extra planets for the round. Since upgrades only last for the round, and this was the first day of the new one, it was the best moment to get them.


How to get to the Upgrade Screen in Newbie Galaxy

Create a probe and launch it anywhere. Scan the area.
2) When the results come up, look for the words "Are you unlucky to detect enemy planets? Increase probe range!"
which are in the centre of the screen below the results.

Click on "Increase probe range!"

3) Click on this and it will take you to the upgrade screen.
4) Should you want planet count upgrades, click on the "Planet upgrade" tab at the left side.

You will find it gives you up to the amount of credits you have available/50 in planets in choice, you then select the amount of planets you want and select "upgrade".



I had up to a choice of 38 planets, due to credits I'd accumulated from selling my minerals/round win, so I spent the whole lot and went to 38 planets from 25 to increase my potential to harvest exponentially. These will only last for this round however, so I must have enough credits next round to have 38 planets again or I will lose 13 planets randomly, which is a HORRIFYING thought, considering one could be my HW.

My 2nd 500k assault has been finished today and a 3rd has been constructed, this now gives me 2.6T in assault reserves incase anything goes wrong. In a few days, I will probably begin harvesting troops only with no attacks so I have some defense for my Homeworld, but again with 9 days left, its still a while away. Probably will start in 2 days time.

As always, I'm trying to spread my planets out, which admittedly is going slower than i originally planned, due to the fact I'm low on assaults and I'm only using them till they reach 200%. Once my HW is established in its basic form I can start going all over with all assaults, but for now I need to conserve troop numbers.

My stockpile of Silicon/Hydrogen has reached 1.5mil now, which is another reason why I need to get a HW defense up before my 14 days is up, I look like a suspiciously full hanging pinyata which if anyone stumbled upon would crack with no hesitation. :P

I've started to post more in the forums now, a little bit more active to show my face. With any luck, I should get out of newbie arena in a good position, but its early days yet.

I've kept my assaults away from any planets, to make sure they arent accidently spotted when I log off if I dont take a entire system, keeping them not just above or below the systems, but multiple vectors off, such as -10,+23,-5 from the planets I last attacked. Even though my planets cant be attacked yet, a 500k assault is alot of iron to lose should someone discover it when I am offline in a SP System.

Anyway, seems to be going well so far.

This is the end!
Still your need is driven on, driven on..
As we trigger one last bomb!

Gortozet 'm eus, gortozet pell
E skeud teñval tourioù gell
E skeud teñval an tourioù glav
C'hwi am gwelo 'c'hortoz atav

Shadow Stalker Paskelbta: 16:27:18 2009 08 01

Pranešimai: 11468

Temos: 322

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

also an easier way to get to the upgrades page is to just goto ;)

It's allways been my fault

Etrius Paskelbta: 18:24:42 2009 08 02

Pranešimai: 426

Temos: 26

Lytis: Vyras

Day 6:

Unfortunately I got logged out before posting Day 6 and lost it all, so a quick version has been entered below. Yes it was far longer.

Today I've decided that the next few days I'm going to have to build up troops instead of having them die in battle for me. The reason being is that I am now 8 days away from leaving immunity since this is my 6th day in, and as it stands my HW is only being defended by 300k energy which is the energy I've collected from the colonised worlds (60).

I also figured without approximately 10-15mil defense I would be vulnerable to anyone who is in newbie from hammering me into the dust if they also had a few assaults trained and handy. With this much defense at least I will be protected and still able to continue training up assaults.

On the assault front, I now have 3 of the 500k varieties trained up to 200%. This will bring me up to 3.9mil T/E in secured resources incase my homeworld is pummeled into the ground when I enter the Real Arena. I will be creating more of these as time goes on but the immediate priorities have changed.

However, due to the need for a HW now, I have decided to look into finding a planet away from the Battlezone at 0:0:0. The reasoning for this, is that the further away from the centre of the galaxy you are, the more costly and time consuming it will be for anyone who wants to attack my HomeWorld to get to me. For a few ships, this will not be a issue for them, but if a person has a 100mil defense HomeWorld and turrets to match, it will take a large force of fighters as well as a contingent of 67 assaults to break it, and the fuel required would be immense, even if on half speed fuel costs.

As it stands however, if I should get a 15Mil Homeworld together I will start looking at the mines. Each one will increase my production and certainly will be helpful over time. The only issue is if I move HW after building them they are all going to turn off so over the next few days I'll be looking for a suitable planet.

Once my HW has defense however, I will continue to train my assaults and collect more resources so I can get up to 50 planets.

This is the end!
Still your need is driven on, driven on..
As we trigger one last bomb!

Gortozet 'm eus, gortozet pell
E skeud teñval tourioù gell
E skeud teñval an tourioù glav
C'hwi am gwelo 'c'hortoz atav

Shadow Stalker Paskelbta: 18:36:39 2009 08 02

Pranešimai: 11468

Temos: 322

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

;) any buildings made will still continue toexist and operate except turrets as long as the resource requirement is available eg energy for sheild points

buildings r only removed once the hw is left or captured

It's allways been my fault

Etrius Paskelbta: 17:49:59 2009 08 03

Pranešimai: 426

Temos: 26

Lytis: Vyras

Day 7:

Todays diary will be rather short, purely on the basis that all I have been doing is collecting troops.

So, as it stands, from the 46 planets I have, I have collected enough to form a 5mil defense on my HW if all the shields are up. Considering how fast that was this is good progress, however all my vital was burned up last night so it will be considerably slower from now on.

I've found a suitable site for my HW and now it is in the process of assessment, if it is a better location than the current.

All in all, a slow process but a worthwhile one. The problem mainly is the waiting time, but it is something that is to be expected, SL isnt always a hectic continous battle, but a planned expansionist one, especially at the start.

Well. On with the show, to Day 8. :D

This is the end!
Still your need is driven on, driven on..
As we trigger one last bomb!

Gortozet 'm eus, gortozet pell
E skeud teñval tourioù gell
E skeud teñval an tourioù glav
C'hwi am gwelo 'c'hortoz atav

Ankstesnis 1 2  Sekantis