Temos pavadinimas: guess what! (Paprasta tema)

Autorius: Tweaker

Tema pradėta: 00:18:07 2009 02 03

Pranešimai: 6 Paskutinis pranešimas: 12:31:36 2009 02 04. Autorius me naam is m

Tweaker Paskelbta: 00:18:07 2009 02 03

Pranešimai: 1999

Temos: 319

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

I was soooooo hungry

that I

grabbed some home made chicken pot pie that my mom made out of the fridge


and i put it on a dish and nuke it in the microwave for like a minute thirty

and i'm munching on other things in the fridge as my pot pie heats up

then like it beeps and i'm like whoa! nice.

I grab the food and a fork. I sprinkle some a cheeze on top.

i sit back down at the computer desk. I fork my food and take a nice tasty bite..........

and guess what happened!!

i burnt myself.. DARN!

should be cooled down by now after i've typed this...

Okay SS, you can eat this all up now!... jk.... burn yourself on this one! lol.. jk again... sorry!

-=Mercenary inDaGalaxy=-

|,,| <(^.^)> |,, /

andy1218 Paskelbta: 00:21:26 2009 02 03

Pranešimai: 2768

Temos: 75

Valstybė: Canada

Lytis: Vyras

._. this is in offtopic forums. SS no care. :P

Tweaker Paskelbta: 00:27:22 2009 02 03

Pranešimai: 1999

Temos: 319

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

yeah. i typed and posted before i found out i helped him out by posting in off topic anyways :-d

-=Mercenary inDaGalaxy=-

|,,| <(^.^)> |,, /

Iiridayn Paskelbta: 20:00:12 2009 02 03

Pranešimai: 1645

Temos: 98

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

heh, thanks though ^_^

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

Force of nature.

Shadow Stalker Paskelbta: 00:42:50 2009 02 04

Pranešimai: 11468

Temos: 322

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

*thanks tweaker for being unknowingly considerate*

It's allways been my fault

Angel of Darkness Paskelbta: 01:27:18 2009 02 04

Pranešimai: 471

Temos: 34

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

tweaker......following rules?????????

whats happening to the world these days?

17:06:02 | Sundakas planet Asun2
17:53:14 | Wizardro planet 00Z Beacon Guard
17:11:36 | MilkywayMaster planet Admetus
08:33:32 | Professor planet Thalia
19:19:30 | Professor planet Chaos

me naam is m Paskelbta: 12:31:36 2009 02 04

Pranešimai: 985

Temos: 37

Valstybė: Netherlands

Lytis: Vyras

AAARGH, ARMAGEDDON'S THERE! *runs away screaming*

Where has the rum gone!?

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