23:05:12 | SP Confederation planet x10 has been captured by Wynn Sol, Apocalypse.
23:04:51 | SP Confederation planet x10 has been captured by Wynn Sol, Apocalypse.
23:04:31 | kingarthor planet Melpomene has been detected.
23:02:46 | SP Confederation planet x10 has been captured by Wynn Sol, Apocalypse.
23:02:18 | SP Confederation planet x10 has been captured by Wynn Sol, Apocalypse.
23:01:57 | PathFinder ship Ass500K33 has been destroyed by RIKOCHET planet RIKOCHET 1 1.
23:01:57 | SP Confederation planet x10 has been captured by Wynn Sol, Apocalypse.
23:01:36 | SP Confederation planet x10 has been captured by Wynn Sol, Apocalypse.
23:01:15 | SP Confederation planet x10 has been captured by Wynn Sol, Apocalypse.
23:00:46 | SP Confederation planet x10 has been captured by Wynn Sol, Apocalypse.
22:59:55 | SP Confederation planet x10 has been captured by Wynn Sol, Apocalypse.
22:59:53 | Vampire Moon has found the planet of SP Confederation.
22:59:25 | SP Confederation planet x10 has been captured by Wynn Sol, Apocalypse.
22:59:04 | SP Confederation planet Juventas has been captured by Vampire Moon.
22:59:01 | SP Confederation planet x10 has been captured by Wynn Sol, Apocalypse.
22:58:36 | PathFinder has found the planet of RIKOCHET.
22:58:35 | SP Confederation planet x10 has been captured by Wynn Sol, Apocalypse.
22:58:15 | SP Confederation planet x10 has been captured by Wynn Sol, Apocalypse.
22:57:53 | SP Confederation planet x10 has been captured by Wynn Sol, Apocalypse.
wasting no time...
Difficult takes a Day.....
Impossible Takes a Week... ;)
SI For Life....
Proud USC member.....
Yeah keep it in the family....
AIM MageofMaddness
MSN Infilltrator@yahoo.com
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ICQ 309-502-911