Pranešimai: 2255
Temos: 147
Valstybė: United States
Lytis: Vyras
Here it goes. If anybody wants to here my views on global warming, step right up, pull up a chair, and grab some popcorn....
Al Gore, testily presents his movie as a direct inconvience to the world. While as a matter of fact, global warming could have good effects if it may happen- do we even have proof that it is even happening? Can we trust any data released to the public?
I. Causes of Global Warming
A. The Sun-
The sun, located in the center of our solar system, keeps temperatures at moderate temperatures throught the Earth. If gives off many types of rays, some harmful to humans, especially those with sensitive skin. It has 11 year cycles of sunspots, or changes of its activity. When the sunspot number is higher, the activity is lower, meaning less violent rays reach the Earth, causing for a generally cooler climate - and vise versa. So now, we look at a graph of the current intensity of the sun, and what is this?! Is it actaually...decreasing?!
http://newsletter.carterobservatory.org/August04/sunspots_full.jpg -Look here for the graph.
B. Greenhouse Gases-
There are many greenhouse gases, CO2 (Carbon Dioxide), CH4 (Methane), Nitrous Oxide, many types of CFCs, and....water vapor?
Wait, water vapor? How come scientist say that CO2 is the main cause? Are they trying to blame humans on this global warming effect? Water vapor is indeed a natural occuring greenhouse gas. What is a greenhouse gas anyways? A greenhouse gas is a gas that produces a greenhouse effect on the Earth. Greenhouses deplete the ozone layer, so the harmful sunlight can reach Earth, but they also trap heat into the Earth, so it does not escape - causing temperatures to rise. So we should rid of all of the greenhouse gases and hope that the Earth does not heat, yes? NO. We cannot live without these, or the Earth will freeze up. Some greenhouse gases are let out naturally by lifecycles of plants, animals, ect. But others are let out by factories, human emissions, and yes....cow farts (they produce methane believe it or not). Humans account for .028% of the global warming effect from these emissions. Crazy eh, to believe that we are the main source, while 90-95% pf it is naturally occuring water vapor.
http://www.clearlight.com/~mhieb/WVFossils/greenhouse_data.html - Look here to see the natural/manmade emissions of some greenhouse gases.
II. Can we trust this Data?
A. Stations -
How are the so-called facts presented? Where is the global temperatures taken from? Can we trust it? What could effect the temperature of that region? Those are all questions we have to ask ourselves when looking at specific data. How reliable is it?
http://www.cmdl.noaa.gov/aggi/aggi-web-fig1.png- Look here for a list of the NOAAs global warming monitoring stations.
B. Urban Heat Island Effect -
If stations took their data in major cities, there is something called the Urban Heat Island Effect, that may effect this greatly. It is usually 6-8 degrees Fahrenheit warmer in the cities, than in rural areas. Why is this? Dark surfaces such as roads, and rooftops absorb heat. Also, there is no vegitation to produce fresh, clean oxygen. So that is why it is stuffy in the cities. If the data was taken here, it is definatly misleading.
http://eetd.lbl.gov/HeatIsland/LEARN/ - Look here for more information on the Urban Heat Island Effect
C. Islands and Coasts -
Why is it always cooler on the coastlines than in other areas? Chicao is named the windy city, and is located on the edge of the Great Lakes, and is blisteringly cold, not only due to position, but also the wind from coasts. A land breeze, or a sea breeze takes place causing a drop in temperature. So would the temperatures by the stations on Islands altered because of this, would they not be cooler?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_breeze#Land_Breeze - Look here for information on land breezes and sea breezes.
D. Amount of Data -
Scientists can only accurately display about 125 years of global temperatures, some environmentalists only have 40 years of data. Is this, compared to the lifespan of the Earth, enough to say that the Earth is actaually warming? Was it not a decade or less ago, that everybody was worried about global cooling?
http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Study/GlobalWarm1999/Images/1999_fig3.gif - Look here for the trend of the past 125 years of global warming data.
http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn8398 - Look here for a previously written article of global cooling
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