Temos pavadinimas: ALLRIGHT WHO'S PIRATING MY SHIPS (Paprasta tema)

Autorius: Chaos

Tema pradėta: 10:42:20 2004 05 13

Pranešimai: 58 Paskutinis pranešimas: 16:21:45 2004 05 17. Autorius hyphon

Ankstesnis 1 2 3 4 5 6  Sekantis

Chaos Paskelbta: 10:42:20 2004 05 13

Pranešimai: 6679

Temos: 367

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

Hello all,
Well I got really :censored: because when I want to use my transport or spy ship from my main... They are always PIRATED!!! :( :( Yeah 5k uranium or hydro is not much but it becomes annoying when it happens 10 times a day!!! :( :( :( And I'm not sure but I think I lost troops too few times... Oh please stooop I'm going to cry :(

Waiting for technical singularity in 2035.

YuGi Paskelbta: 10:44:09 2004 05 13

Pranešimai: 1963

Temos: 80

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

hehe it could be me u never know without the full upgrade things ;)

"All Is Fair In Love And War"

A General Of The Masters Of Chaos
New Players Forum Moderator
Welsh and Damn Proud Of It
yahoo: YuGi19872003

Chaos Paskelbta: 13:02:08 2004 05 13

Pranešimai: 6679

Temos: 367

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

Oh great now I had to refuel a bunch of probes manually... Is it uranium leak or pirates?? :D

Waiting for technical singularity in 2035.

Elvenlord Paskelbta: 13:05:22 2004 05 13

Pranešimai: 446

Temos: 35

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

ISP: Road Runner

hmm i think uranium leaks, you can use duct tape or super glue to fix that

In Memory of Highlander 6-11-04

The General of Lords of Honour

Chaos Paskelbta: 13:06:59 2004 05 13

Pranešimai: 6679

Temos: 367

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

Oh great idea thanks for that now I'll add super glue to all my ship models :D

Waiting for technical singularity in 2035.

Elvenlord Paskelbta: 13:08:29 2004 05 13

Pranešimai: 446

Temos: 35

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

ISP: Road Runner

lol yea ive resulted to duct tape my troop unloading door keeps on flying open in hyperspace

In Memory of Highlander 6-11-04

The General of Lords of Honour

Gold Rush Paskelbta: 14:44:16 2004 05 13

Pranešimai: 440

Temos: 41

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

i have only pirated shipps from there once :D

Space Cowboy in the making


Reaper of The Doctors Production

Highlander Paskelbta: 16:01:14 2004 05 13

Pranešimai: 269

Temos: 27

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

super glue for sale rare ingredients
I have the only stock left in universe
200,000 Gold


Without the sword, no battle can be won.
Look at every tactic before you strike.
On LT's most wanted list, anyquestions.
Lords of Honour General

Chaos Paskelbta: 03:22:31 2004 05 14

Pranešimai: 6679

Temos: 367

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

Resources gone again... I won't buy any more fuel banks from China no no no :(

Waiting for technical singularity in 2035.

hyphon Paskelbta: 04:28:33 2004 05 14

Pranešimai: 52

Temos: 0

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

LOL. I always told people NOT to buy things that have the
"made in china" sticker on them. Now if you want a good alternate, I'm willing to sell you (for the low low price of 500 imaginary dollars U.S.D) a Japanese fuel bank. How does that sound? :D

LT confederation beware... Hjk is back and has plans to avenge himself.

the knights of chaos shall assist in all battles. For we are UNSTOPPABLE!

Chaos Paskelbta: 04:31:30 2004 05 14

Pranešimai: 6679

Temos: 367

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

Ahh 'Japanese' sounds much better although I buy ship parts from China because they are cheap :D

Waiting for technical singularity in 2035.

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