Temos pavadinimas: that jerk (Paprasta tema)

Autorius: theKID

Tema pradėta: 17:29:57 2006 06 15

Pranešimai: 6 Paskutinis pranešimas: 15:46:55 2006 06 16. Autorius Emoticon10D

theKID Paskelbta: 17:29:57 2006 06 15

Pranešimai: 316

Temos: 16

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

19:28:32 | Pwnage the Kid has entered Newbie Arena.
does he expect to pwn me...... or just asking to die

Cydiona Paskelbta: 17:30:38 2006 06 15

Pranešimai: 1289

Temos: 34

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Moteris

umm....both? :shrug:

Reflect upon your present blessings
of which every man has many
Accept your past misfortunes
of which all men have some

Donated 35.2 million troops and 11 million Iron
towards IDG winning round 26

Fierce Deity Paskelbta: 18:08:00 2006 06 15

Pranešimai: 1188

Temos: 73

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras


Shield Eaters and World Leaders have many likes alike.

Loyal Member of The Maxwell Brigade.

Loyal Follower of the Tiger.

-Fate Controller, Fierce Deity.

Eragon ShadeSlayre Paskelbta: 18:11:54 2006 06 15

Pranešimai: 778

Temos: 42

Valstybė: United States

a guy named Eragon5 joined :(

Hope planet 11Heavens Call has been captured by Eragon ShadeSlayre
AGUX 2 has been defeated by Eragon ShadeSlayre.
15:38:36 | shaphan planet 00 ROCKY 00 4s has been captured by Eragon ShadeSlayre, Apocalypse
Eragon ShadeSlayre 1,068,812

Teldin Paskelbta: 18:14:03 2006 06 15

Pranešimai: 960

Temos: 75

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

Can't these multi's come up with more original names!?! :shrug:

...paid by the alliance to slay all the giants...

Buy my 3D Spacemap to make your SL life easier:

Griffin Vengance Paskelbta: 11:16:24 2006 06 16

Pranešimai: 3292

Temos: 197

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

Bright side; only one other Griffin ever.

And Coalitions defeated him the moment he came out of immunity. :P

Newbies, not multis Teldin. :P

00:01:23 | Griffin Vengance has been defeated by Shadow Stalker.

Proof that nagging really does work!

Emoticon10D Paskelbta: 15:46:55 2006 06 16

Pranešimai: 633

Temos: 68

Lytis: Vyras

17:42:36 | Emoticon10D has found the planet of Muppetman.
17:40:59 | Emoticon10D has found the planet of Blackie Chan.

There's a good thing to insult me AND bert!


|,,| <(^.^)> |,,/

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