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interiority Paskelbta: 13:52:16 2006 06 12

Pranešimai: 1238

Temos: 152

Valstybė: Ireland

Lytis: Vyras

exploding? guess most of them will die as well then.

Don't know what sort of explosion you mean, but not even the blast of an H-bomb would reach Europe, so yeah, I doubt any of them'll be hurt.

But i dont understand how it'll affect america, lack of cheap toy cars doesnt kill. Does it...?

veni, vidi, vici.

The Swarm

Coce Paskelbta: 15:18:24 2006 06 12

Pranešimai: 5909

Temos: 134

Valstybė: Brunei Darussalam

Lytis: Vyras

yes the lack of cheap toy car will mean more big (obese) ppl will have to walk to get food and that will cause heart attacks there for killing

03:31:01 | Coce ship 404 PAT has been destroyed by Arcanix.
They died for the cause of the Good, the Rightous, and the Vindicated!

Iiridayn Paskelbta: 06:36:35 2006 06 13

Pranešimai: 1645

Temos: 98

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

"By the way, in 20 years America will be dying and China will be exploding. Seriously. China is a fair country from what I know of it, and Europe is scrambling to make sure it doesn't get hurt, which I don't think they will. "

From what I hear of it, Chia is a fair country only if you're not Chinese... ;P. Sure, in the US the NSA is beginning to do wiretaps, but they're far behind China in this. Ever hear of the "great firewall of China"? They know where you go online -- imagine network level spyware, if you will.

Yes, the US has some problems of late, but it's a lot better off than many other countries, and it is not too late to fix things. Fighting for your country is not just a physical endeavor, but also political. If you disagree with something, you need to let your regional representative know (we're a representative democracy, remember? :P). Stop listening to the person that spends the most, and start thinking about the why instead (also, don't vote strictly along party lines -- think for yourself about each candidate that will be representing you). One reason politics is so messed up is because politicians spend a lot of money to get elected, and it's not all their own money. So, they feel more responsible to those that "invested" in their election than those people that they are supposed to be representing. That is not how I feel my nation should be -- I see this as a blight spread deeply through the government, which needs to be excised.

Would I fight to protect my country? Politically yes. But if I'm going to start killing people based on someone else's say-so, I had better trust that person. And frankly, I don't trust the American government as it stands now. The founding principles are excellent. The constitution and bill of rights are wonderful. But the current government -- and by current I mean the last 5 decades or so -- has had some serious problems in implementation. (This is not to say that there is a strict cutoff, or that it may not be longer. My point is more that this corruption and blight has been around for a long time, and has had plenty of time to spread through all levels of the government. Nor are the the election processes the only problem, just an illustrative example. This is not a problem with a current set of people, but a current set of processes, which have over time become corrupted, and now fail to adequately implement the principles which they were designed. That the government has violated the bill of rights at all is absolute proof of that.).

Sorry about the rant, but I have some... problems with the way the American government is currently handled.

(Heh, just read Coce's post above... Instead of going off on another long rant, I'll just say briefly that American citizens have no concept of personal responsibility ]:-(! (as a whole; I'm not saying anything about individuals).).

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

Force of nature.

aretard023 Paskelbta: 07:34:39 2006 06 13

Pranešimai: 608

Temos: 17

Lytis: Vyras

Garee with most of that, however, Id like to add one thing.

I have absolutely NO respect for people who do not support a war because of the current administration, and take it out on the troops. that shows a hatred for your country.

Proud member of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Griffin Vengance Paskelbta: 12:15:29 2006 06 13

Pranešimai: 3292

Temos: 197

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

Take it out on the government. That simple. :shrug:

Besides, Iraq has turned into a Vietnam. Shall I say more about that? :P

And when I meant exploding, just look at how much exports China does. So much American trade relies on it it's unbelievable.

Mind you, I can't condone the British government either; Blair is playing puppy dog to Bush. Seriously. :hellno:

00:01:23 | Griffin Vengance has been defeated by Shadow Stalker.

Proof that nagging really does work!

aretard023 Paskelbta: 14:18:10 2006 06 13

Pranešimai: 608

Temos: 17

Lytis: Vyras

Iraq is not Vietnam by a long shot. Check casualty rates. It barely rates as a war if your going by casualties. (no offense meant to anybody by that statement).

Proud member of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Eragon ShadeSlayre Paskelbta: 14:34:39 2006 06 13

Pranešimai: 778

Temos: 42

Valstybė: United States

yea i agree with aretard

Hope planet 11Heavens Call has been captured by Eragon ShadeSlayre
AGUX 2 has been defeated by Eragon ShadeSlayre.
15:38:36 | shaphan planet 00 ROCKY 00 4s has been captured by Eragon ShadeSlayre, Apocalypse
Eragon ShadeSlayre 1,068,812

MinderBinder Paskelbta: 11:54:09 2006 06 21

Pranešimai: 1599

Temos: 54

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

Vietnam started out in the same slow rate, casualty rates are hardly a justification as they only reinforce the similarities. A retard, I have no clue what your talking about, I havent seen a single person running around screaming I hate the troops. I do see some pricks with bumper stickers that say support our President Bush AND our troops as if you have to support both not one or the other. You dont even have to support the war to support the troops. I want em to live. But I hate the war and Bush. I always have and everytime I see the polls drop I gain a little bit more hope for the country.

When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.
Member of Shadow Industries

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