Temos pavadinimas: Englands Wettest Drought! (Paprasta tema)
Autorius: Hope
Tema pradėta: 04:22:57 2006 05 23
Pranešimai: 22 Paskutinis pranešimas: 08:42:45 2006 07 03. Autorius Shadow Stalker
Hope | Paskelbta: 04:22:57 2006 05 23 |
Pranešimai: 6522 Temos: 415 Valstybė: United Kingdom Lytis: Vyras |
For those who don't know, apparantly South East England is in Drought conditions at the moment. There is a hose pipe ban in effect for example. Well, Ive had to bring an umbrella when i have been outside for the last 4 days!
thabin | Paskelbta: 04:55:58 2006 05 23 |
Pranešimai: 2046 Temos: 267 Valstybė: United Kingdom Lytis: Vyras |
Oh yes, it's definately a drought down here, roads are flooded around me, garden's just a complete swamp, torrential rain and thunderstorms for the past 2 days. God bless Southern Water and Mid Kent Water
Eragon ShadeSlayre | Paskelbta: 05:41:51 2006 05 23 |
Pranešimai: 778 Temos: 42 Valstybė: United States |
thabin | Paskelbta: 06:08:03 2006 05 23 |
Pranešimai: 2046 Temos: 267 Valstybė: United Kingdom Lytis: Vyras |
Bloody water companies who can't organise themselves properly to distribute water so say there's a drought. Build that damn pipeline form North Wales I say
Berserkas | Paskelbta: 06:14:43 2006 05 23 |
Pranešimai: 1515 Temos: 32 Lytis: Vyras |
"Well, Ive had to bring an umbrella when i have been outside for the last 4 days!"
Reaper Of Souls2 | Paskelbta: 06:24:15 2006 05 23 |
Pranešimai: 3297 Temos: 54 Valstybė: United States Lytis: Vyras |
lol... u should come to nebraska... nothin but know all durin the winter
Hope | Paskelbta: 06:27:54 2006 05 23 |
Pranešimai: 6522 Temos: 415 Valstybė: United Kingdom Lytis: Vyras |
When we do get snow its in April and melts before it hits the ground
Berserkas | Paskelbta: 06:33:01 2006 05 23 |
Pranešimai: 1515 Temos: 32 Lytis: Vyras |
pfffft sometimes we get like 50 cm of snow
Hope | Paskelbta: 06:34:43 2006 05 23 |
Pranešimai: 6522 Temos: 415 Valstybė: United Kingdom Lytis: Vyras |
This topic isnt about snow
Berserkas | Paskelbta: 06:36:30 2006 05 23 |
Pranešimai: 1515 Temos: 32 Lytis: Vyras |
this is offtopic what do you expect
Berserkas | Paskelbta: 06:37:28 2006 05 23 |
Pranešimai: 1515 Temos: 32 Lytis: Vyras |
oooooh nice thunder too bad didnt saw the lighting