Temos pavadinimas: The ... people, crippling the server (Paprasta tema)

Autorius: Iiridayn

Tema pradėta: 15:02:02 2006 04 24

Pranešimai: 22 Paskutinis pranešimas: 18:38:15 2006 04 28. Autorius mythics

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Iiridayn Paskelbta: 15:02:02 2006 04 24

Pranešimai: 1645

Temos: 98

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

Hopefully I've made it so they can't actually enter the BZ more than once in a row. I'd like to do horrible nasty things to them, but I'll wait for Professor to pass fair judgement upon them.

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

Force of nature.

Hope Paskelbta: 15:04:51 2006 04 24

Pranešimai: 6522

Temos: 415

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

For reference:

8. You are prohibited from taking any action to disturb the use of the services by others, distribute material that contains viruses or any other harmful programs. This includes interfering with the working of the network, attempts to gain unauthorized access to a service or other computer systems that are part of the site or any other site, by use of the available services.

15. You are prohibited from using any cheats and exploits.

Founder and Lord Admiral of The Legendary Swarm.

Go For It.

thabin Paskelbta: 15:06:15 2006 04 24

Pranešimai: 2046

Temos: 267

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras


This is not war, this is pest control.
You are superior to us in one respect... you are better at dieing!

Flip Side Fury Paskelbta: 16:27:24 2006 04 24

Pranešimai: 245

Temos: 12

Valstybė: Canada

so im guessing creating lag to exploit a crappy server would be braking one of the above...


Professor Paskelbta: 18:57:56 2006 04 24

Pranešimai: 5830

Temos: 405

Valstybė: China

Lytis: Vyras


Flip Side, it is not a crappy server. The server is fine, or at least, it is not cheap (about $80 per month in cost) and it is hosted by one of the more reliable hosting services. There are some problems, which might be fixed by a major cleanup of the database, but I want to do some testing first so we don't take the game down for an extended period of time by accident.

Yes, there are problems, but it does not help when people take actions to try and crash the server. That ruins the game for many others, and they will be banned if their actions are repeated and take down the server again on purpose.

"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

paladinbarry Paskelbta: 19:55:50 2006 04 24

Pranešimai: 758

Temos: 81

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

ISP: Pacific Bell

hmm see there u keep stating u know i was trying to harm the server which i wasnt and u cant prove unless ur a mind reader in wich case id like to know next weeks lotto number;)

03:09:43 | Kaukole planet 0000 has been captured by paladinbarry, Shadow Industries.
18:18:07 | Chaos planet Twilight Citadel has been captured by paladinbarry, Armageddon
msn is

Professor Paskelbta: 20:04:57 2006 04 24

Pranešimai: 5830

Temos: 405

Valstybė: China

Lytis: Vyras


I do not know what you were trying to do, but what you did do was harmful.

To avoid this harm, Iiridayn has suggested that anyone causing rapid and repeated BZ entry be blocked from using BZ for 30 days. I agree with this recommendation as being an appropriate corrective action which will both increase awareness of the harm caused and prevent future problems of this nature.

Therefore, later today, Iiridayn will implement the code to block battlezone entry for the three players within the past week or so who have caused problems by repeated BZ entry with the same ship in rapid parallel actions. This block will be removed in 30 days.

No other actions will be taken. This is enough to raise awareness and make the point.

"Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."

MinderBinder Paskelbta: 20:10:24 2006 04 24

Pranešimai: 1599

Temos: 54

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

so I sent my ship to the bz to die. cause Im not sure what the deal with the old 7k attack 8k def fighters is. Are they even decent anymore?

When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.
Member of Shadow Industries

MinderBinder Paskelbta: 20:10:56 2006 04 24

Pranešimai: 1599

Temos: 54

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

missed out on the party at Filas's place too :( at least I have no more old model fighters :)

When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.
Member of Shadow Industries

paladinbarry Paskelbta: 20:10:59 2006 04 24

Pranešimai: 758

Temos: 81

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

ISP: Pacific Bell

sounds fair to me...:)

03:09:43 | Kaukole planet 0000 has been captured by paladinbarry, Shadow Industries.
18:18:07 | Chaos planet Twilight Citadel has been captured by paladinbarry, Armageddon
msn is

mythics Paskelbta: 20:11:47 2006 04 24

Pranešimai: 851

Temos: 69

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

for the record, when i did it (and i only did it once) there was no real activity going on, and i didn't keep doing it. and is it ok if i use the same thing to take down shield walls. cuz otherwise it'll take me like 20 sec to destroy one ship.

Yah, SL is fun.

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