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Shadow Stalker Paskelbta: 08:38:39 2006 03 15

Pranešimai: 11468

Temos: 322

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

well technically yes someone is buying credits for me but not directly i just sell troops,silicon,gold etc on the market so someones goto buy most of those credits

i havent had anyone buying credits for me since before zygis sold the game :shrug:

It's allways been my fault

Ice Shardz Paskelbta: 08:41:41 2006 03 15

Pranešimai: 1145

Temos: 94

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

ISP: Verizon

All i know is that net round when I am buying 100 dollars and up worth of credits all of you will be singing a different song. Oh neggy is a busing the rules, neegy is exploiting the situation blah blah blah. You cant say I didnt warn you guys. I am no posting anymore about the isse concerning credits, for me its done RBA you continue if you like.

Ice doesnt melt, Fire freezes.

Leader of US Confederation

MageofMaddness Paskelbta: 10:03:33 2006 03 15

Pranešimai: 1610

Temos: 121

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

Irri you sre know how to be difficult lol........ you danced and danced around wonder hes not postting anymore lol..... his ideas were sound.... auto harvester does not produce any advantage.... cuz you only harvest once a day... unkless people woul dbe doin git just to get the interest advantage.. it that case all youd have to do it put a timer on it... you click ther button and in 1 hr you harvest your plannets..... It takes me about 10 -20 mins to harvest my 50 plannets so I duno what youre on about....
I have posted all the suggestions in the topic in proffs topis in a condensed manner.... I didnt go into the intricases of Ruknas current suggestion but.. I could add that easily.... yeah I think I'll do that..... :P.....


Difficult takes a Day.....
Impossible Takes a Week... ;)

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Rukna Baisioji Akis Paskelbta: 12:04:55 2006 03 15

Pranešimai: 1374

Temos: 103

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

Hm...ok, i'll use other words this time :)
Upgrades are things which improves current ability: planet limit, probe range, number of nearbies shown. These are upgrades and in my suggestion would be bought the same as it is now. If you have credits you buy it if you don't then not.

I understand well my vision is difficult to code, but i really don't see any problem if current upgrades, which obviuosly improves abilities, could be used by all players, while those comfortable features (let's don't call them upgrades) would be used only by game donators. And an appropriate list and fee of such package of tools could collect money very well (just look to the reaction about Pms :) ).

So the main change here would be to code a payment system that gives features for real money in spite of credits - as in total majority of other greatest multiplayer games.

And the second change would be to relate credits spent to round awards - so that we have a constant amount of them. As we have money in real life. As for research about price changes when money (credits) comes from nowhere and goes to nowhere - that is a waste of time :)

Personally it doesn't matter for me whether a player sits at the top or just rebuilds after Hw loss with credits bought by money. So actually credit caps is not the thing i'd love to see (and the masters probably as well for less money collected), although definetely better than today situation. Situation when fighting persons is fighting windmills.

It means that it is not enough for me to reduce the disbalance of power taken and playing efficiency used. I want a competition with fear statistics, fair awards, fear nominations and fear comparison of players. Forum should be an additional feature. Now some smell of competition is an additional feature to forum.

That's what i feel..

I will defeat you. When you grow up, if you still feel raw about it, i'll be waiting.

Bert2 Paskelbta: 12:45:52 2006 03 15

Pranešimai: 2477

Temos: 101

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

Sure after reading all of this I also agree. we need to keep it fair. What do we limit next though?
How about time. Some of us aren't kids without jobs, lets make it so that we can only do a certain number of things a day? That would make it more fair also, That way everyone regardless of age or income, would have only so many task turns per day and no way to outcompete the others based upon free time.

another thing to consider is that there used to be even more common ways of winning points by cheating. Does that mean we are going to do a Whole point reset since all of those past points are also tainted? Just things to consider.

As a side note, I have played a coupel of other games where you could "power" game. the people buying their way to the top generally start to self regulate. Basically the game becomes too easy or too expensive and not challenging enough and they stop playing.

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Rukna Baisioji Akis Paskelbta: 14:45:46 2006 03 15

Pranešimai: 1374

Temos: 103

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

I totally agree with you about time factor. I always thought it would be nice to have statistics about total time or average time per day spent while loggon or smth (and it should be really essential in rpg games). The fact that time is not essential element leading to success is probably one of the factors why people choose this type of games. But of course, time make a difference and pretty great. Unfortunately it is impossible to make everyone equal here. Actions limited will not make a great change as sircumstances often do not let to log in for weeks or even longer. But i'd really love to see statistics about average time spent at a player profile (question with time in forums though :) ). Would be at least interesting to compare players with similar time used.

I'm happy you mentioned a time factor. It was in my head even before i started SL (I tried Runescape earlier but soon realised i really don't like the competition of "the most time spent". It's a nice game. The mising statistics with time was the reason i left it).

I will defeat you. When you grow up, if you still feel raw about it, i'll be waiting.

saw Paskelbta: 17:16:18 2006 03 15

Pranešimai: 247

Temos: 21

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

I think that pm's are important to the game and it's players and should not be bought. Also I think that the game should be left the way it is....If you want to improve certian aspects of the game thats fine. If you want to charge someone for those improvement such as Auto-Harvester
ect...Just to make life easier thats fine but don't take away the tools that we now have. Such as Pm's ect....I can also understand that you need donations to keep things going and to pay for the operating cost and maintance and the ability to make the game better and more efficiant. The main thing is to make sure the game stays as one is not split into two.....Thats all for now.

George S. Patton, American military leader
Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.

Proud member of Apocalypse

Iiridayn Paskelbta: 04:49:34 2006 03 17

Pranešimai: 1645

Temos: 98

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

MoM: Thanks :D. I have a lot of experience. But in this case I wasn't trying to be difficult, I was trying to firmly put my foot down in a gentle manner, so as not to offend anybody. My stance remains that if it's a pay to use feature, it will remain a pay to use feature. It's just easier atm to trade resources for the money to pay for it than it used to be.

Rukna: I've given the matter some thought since it was first proposed a while ago, but that is made very difficult because of the nature of the web. Since timeouts are implemented at well over an hour (try leaving for an hour and then clicking on a link, and (unless it was midnight server time when everybody is logged off for nightly cleaning) it will load), the data that I could access (once I spend a long time trying to figure out how to access it) would be pretty much useless :P (as how many people do you know that log in every time they use the site and then log out every time when they're done? (or gone for 5 mins? ;P)). So while it would be interesting information to have, it's of such low quality that it's not worth extracting ;P. (So is good that it doesn't matter how long you play... Compare the length of my account and the length of SmartFox's... Now compare our scores ^_^;;; ).

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

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