Temos pavadinimas: Who has the oldest plaanet in the game (Paprasta tema)

Autorius: ROCKY

Tema pradėta: 09:32:51 2006 03 04

Pranešimai: 27 Paskutinis pranešimas: 02:10:29 2006 05 19. Autorius Iiridayn

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ROCKY Paskelbta: 09:32:51 2006 03 04

Pranešimai: 1058

Temos: 52

Lytis: Vyras

As the topic says i was just wondering who has the oldest planet by id ??

-the old ways are changing-

pray they do not disappear completely

Zerohours Paskelbta: 09:47:05 2006 03 04

Pranešimai: 2443

Temos: 287

Valstybė: Canada

Lytis: Vyras

i wanna buy planet 1..anyone have it?

I am here to help in anyway I can! Let's have fun!

Berserkas Paskelbta: 09:55:45 2006 03 04

Pranešimai: 1515

Temos: 32

Lytis: Vyras

doubt it :)

you do not quit playing computer games because you get old, you get old because you quit playing.
I like pie. :D
Warp rules :P

Berserkas Paskelbta: 10:12:15 2006 03 04

Pranešimai: 1515

Temos: 32

Lytis: Vyras

my oldest is 167911

you do not quit playing computer games because you get old, you get old because you quit playing.
I like pie. :D
Warp rules :P

ROCKY Paskelbta: 11:43:43 2006 03 04

Pranešimai: 1058

Temos: 52

Lytis: Vyras

my oldest is 44064

-the old ways are changing-

pray they do not disappear completely

Hope Paskelbta: 12:11:45 2006 03 04

Pranešimai: 6522

Temos: 415

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

My oldest

The oldest used to be zyxs hw
But he oblit it :P

Founder and Lord Admiral of The Legendary Swarm.

Go For It.

Iiridayn Paskelbta: 01:46:05 2006 03 05

Pranešimai: 1645

Temos: 98

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

*cough* The oldest is a green. Lol. (The second oldest is owned though).

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

Force of nature.

Hope Paskelbta: 02:15:12 2006 03 05

Pranešimai: 6522

Temos: 415

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

Can we have numbers/ Owners :P

Founder and Lord Admiral of The Legendary Swarm.

Go For It.

Berserkas Paskelbta: 03:10:42 2006 03 05

Pranešimai: 1515

Temos: 32

Lytis: Vyras

cool i wanna find that green :)

you do not quit playing computer games because you get old, you get old because you quit playing.
I like pie. :D
Warp rules :P

Duo Maxwell Paskelbta: 20:35:49 2006 03 05

Pranešimai: 3584

Temos: 140

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

I wonder if any 4-digits still exist, like from when I started playing :P

Dont underestimate us, that would be a mistake. In war there is no second chances, and every mistake is a victory for your opponent.

-Former New Players' Forum Moderator
-Veteran of Shadow Industries
-Forever the Leader of The Maxwell Brigade

Iiridayn Paskelbta: 01:54:15 2006 03 06

Pranešimai: 1645

Temos: 98

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

Yes. There are 6 planets with 4 digit ids left. 4 of them are greens, and 2 are homeworlds. Which is why I'm not going to tell the owner of the oldest -- is their HW, and their right to privacy ;P. Oh, and I got the numbers backwards -- the oldest is owned, it's the second oldest that's a green.

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

Force of nature.

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