Temos pavadinimas: hey guys important (Paprasta tema)

Autorius: paladinbarry

Tema pradėta: 23:53:20 2006 02 15

Pranešimai: 26 Paskutinis pranešimas: 18:11:38 2006 02 18. Autorius sweaty meat

Ankstesnis 1 2 3  Sekantis

paladinbarry Paskelbta: 23:53:20 2006 02 15

Pranešimai: 758

Temos: 81

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

ISP: Pacific Bell

hey guys my girlfreind of over 3 years uncle is dying of of now its uncurable he just married my gfs aunt a few months ago hes a comedian some of u might have heard of him..posibly his name is Steve Mazan. he started a site called one of his wishes is to be on david letermans tv show...and i was hopeing those of u who could spare some time could go to that link and click the link in it to send a leter to david letterman saying to let Steve Mazan be on the would be major brownie points with me and if he makes it to the show i will personaly reward evey one who voted..even if i havta buy 100 bux worth of credits to pay u all off....thanks guys

and also i was wondering if u guys could all post builitens on ur regular sites about this...ask ur friends to go help ..something any be in ur debt

and one who wants to look at his site its



03:09:43 | Kaukole planet 0000 has been captured by paladinbarry, Shadow Industries.
18:18:07 | Chaos planet Twilight Citadel has been captured by paladinbarry, Armageddon
msn is

Moiare Paskelbta: 00:12:35 2006 02 16

Pranešimai: 135

Temos: 6

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

wow, of all the things I'd wish for if I knew I were dying... almost makes me want to set some goals for my self.

email sent, now where's my 1 T?

Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.

If you build it, they will complain.

Grimnor Uthlersson Paskelbta: 00:23:04 2006 02 16

Pranešimai: 507

Temos: 6

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

Done, Lets hope it happens.

The Swarm
aka The Order
aka The Space Rangers

Popped in on SmartFox
Reaper of virgilis's hw!
Seeing the sights at Terrors world.

Let them hate us, as long as they fear us.

paladinbarry Paskelbta: 00:23:12 2006 02 16

Pranešimai: 758

Temos: 81

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

ISP: Pacific Bell

also if any of u guys could post this leter ive writen up on all the sites u visit where itl be seen:D

100k troops to every one who sends me a link with this leter posted:D lol and only one person per site:P

A good friend of mine's Uncle Steve Mazan, has an uncurable form of cancer. He is a great comedian, and has one last wish before he dies. He wishes to be on The Late Show with David Letterman. Here is The address that will direct you straight to a site where you can post a letter to David and show him that you care!

Any and all letters posted are greatly appreciated...Everyone who sees this if they could also repost it on their Myspace then more and more people can see it, and maybe this man's last wish could come true. Thank you for your time reading this

03:09:43 | Kaukole planet 0000 has been captured by paladinbarry, Shadow Industries.
18:18:07 | Chaos planet Twilight Citadel has been captured by paladinbarry, Armageddon
msn is

andy1218 Paskelbta: 00:40:52 2006 02 16

Pranešimai: 2768

Temos: 75

Valstybė: Canada

Lytis: Vyras

Sent. Tell us when he gets on the show. Then we'll all watch it :D

paladinbarry Paskelbta: 00:44:09 2006 02 16

Pranešimai: 758

Temos: 81

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

ISP: Pacific Bell

check pms people:P

03:09:43 | Kaukole planet 0000 has been captured by paladinbarry, Shadow Industries.
18:18:07 | Chaos planet Twilight Citadel has been captured by paladinbarry, Armageddon
msn is

Iiridayn Paskelbta: 00:59:41 2006 02 16

Pranešimai: 1645

Temos: 98

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras


Edit: Sent

SkyLords Head Programmer

Spelled: I I R I (not irii, irri, or iri).

Force of nature.

Tiernan19 Paskelbta: 01:37:17 2006 02 16

Pranešimai: 244

Temos: 39

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

ya plz do tel us when he gits on and this is a nice thing you r doing paladinbarry

The Swarm

Plan for what is difficult while it is easy, do what is great while it is small.

Serenity my beautiful baby girl was born 7/13/09
RIP:Father 8/3/10
RIP:Sister in law 2/4/19

Laurrriz Paskelbta: 01:39:07 2006 02 16

Pranešimai: 1818

Temos: 114

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras


Proud member of the Space Cowboys

----------your AD here------------

Aude aliquid dignum

reckoningghs Paskelbta: 03:42:03 2006 02 16

Pranešimai: 23

Temos: 0

A good cause.. sent. Don't forget to tell us when he's on.

Alpha Code Paskelbta: 04:36:06 2006 02 16

Pranešimai: 12063

Temos: 241

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

tell me when hes on

email sent and a topic posted on

Wisdom is the knowledge gained through your own mind, intelligence is knowledge passed on by anothers

The Falling Fist

I'm a Priest God never paid

Never avoid temptation, as you get older, IT will avoid you.

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