Temos pavadinimas: Filas Bites the dust (Paprasta tema)

Autorius: Hope

Tema pradėta: 01:30:22 2006 01 07

Pranešimai: 80 Paskutinis pranešimas: 23:18:40 2006 01 14. Autorius General Stonewall

Ankstesnis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  Sekantis

Hope Paskelbta: 01:30:22 2006 01 07

Pranešimai: 6522

Temos: 415

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

(not literally)

0 Diana

Space Cowboys




18:14:25 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been captured by watupdogg, The Swarm.
17:58:58 | watupdogg ship Revenge 1 has attacked Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:58:57 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 8 has attacked Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:58:51 | kotica ship My lil friend 9 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:58:47 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 4 has attacked Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:58:46 | avis ship 0 1 1 6 has attacked Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:58:46 | PathFinder2 ship 10K Fighter 5 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:58:45 | Arcanix ship HAPPY B DAY has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:58:43 | watupdogg ship Revenge 4 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:58:40 | kotica ship My lil friend 9 has attacked Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:58:37 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 7 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:58:32 | watupdogg ship Revenge 4 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:58:16 | avis ship 0 1 1 6 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:58:15 | Arcanix ship HAPPY B DAY has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:58:14 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 7 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:58:10 | PathFinder2 ship 10K Fighter 5 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:58:07 | kotica ship My lil friend 9 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:58:07 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 5 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:58:06 | watupdogg ship Revenge 10 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:58:02 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 4 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:58:02 | avis ship 0 1 1 5 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:57:59 | kotica ship My lil friend 9 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:57:57 | Arcanix ship HAPPY B DAY has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:57:55 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 6 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:57:51 | Filas ship PT H has been destroyed by Lakamar Sinji.
17:57:50 | PathFinder2 ship 10K Fighter 8 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:57:32 | kotica ship My lil friend 6 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:57:32 | watupdogg ship Revenge 1 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:57:29 | Arcanix ship HAPPY B DAY has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:57:24 | watupdogg ship Revenge 10 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:57:22 | kotica ship My lil friend 1 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:57:22 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 2 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:57:17 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 6 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:57:17 | PathFinder2 ship 10K Fighter 3 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:57:15 | watupdogg ship Revenge 4 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:57:15 | kotica ship My lil friend 6 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:57:14 | Arcanix ship HAPPY B DAY has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:57:09 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 3 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:57:07 | kotica ship My lil friend 8 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:57:06 | watupdogg ship Revenge 3 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:56:44 | kotica ship My lil friend 8 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:56:42 | PathFinder2 ship 10K Fighter 7 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:56:41 | watupdogg ship Revenge 1 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:56:40 | Arcanix ship HAPPY B DAY has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:56:39 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 5 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:56:34 | watupdogg ship Revenge 1 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:56:34 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 2 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:56:30 | kotica ship My lil friend 9 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:56:28 | Arcanix ship HAPPY B DAY has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:56:28 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 3 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:56:23 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 5 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:56:22 | watupdogg ship Revenge 3 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:56:22 | PathFinder2 ship 10K Fighter 6 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:56:20 | kotica ship My lil friend 10 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:56:16 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 10 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.

Founder and Lord Admiral of The Legendary Swarm.

Go For It.

Hope Paskelbta: 01:31:12 2006 01 07

Pranešimai: 6522

Temos: 415

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

17:56:00 | Arcanix ship HAPPY B DAY has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:55:57 | kotica ship My lil friend 9 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:55:57 | watupdogg ship Revenge 2 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:55:54 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 10 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:55:51 | kotica ship My lil friend 7 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:55:48 | watupdogg ship Revenge 2 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:55:48 | PathFinder2 ship 10K Fighter 7 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:55:45 | Arcanix ship HAPPY B DAY has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:55:44 | kotica ship My lil friend 4 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:55:43 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 1 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:55:40 | watupdogg ship Revenge 3 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:55:37 | kotica ship My lil friend 10 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:55:35 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 1 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:55:31 | Arcanix ship HAPPY B DAY has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:55:31 | watupdogg ship Revenge 3 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:55:15 | PathFinder2 ship 10K Fighter 4 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:55:11 | kotica ship My lil friend 8 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:55:06 | watupdogg ship Revenge 2 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:55:05 | kotica ship My lil friend 8 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:54:57 | Arcanix ship HAPPY B DAY has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:54:57 | kotica ship My lil friend 7 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:54:57 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 1 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:54:56 | PathFinder2 ship 10K Fighter 4 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:54:53 | watupdogg ship Revenge 3 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:54:50 | kotica ship My lil friend 5 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:54:43 | Arcanix ship HAPPY B DAY has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:54:43 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 1 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:54:42 | watupdogg ship Revenge 2 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:54:42 | kotica ship My lil friend 8 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:54:21 | PathFinder2 ship 10K Fighter 4 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:54:20 | kotica ship My lil friend 7 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:54:19 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:54:13 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:54:12 | kotica ship My lil friend 2 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:54:08 | watupdogg ship Revenge 3 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:54:07 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:54:06 | kotica ship My lil friend 6 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:54:00 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:53:59 | kotica ship My lil friend 1 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:53:58 | Arcanix ship HAPPY B DAY has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:53:57 | PathFinder2 ship 10K Fighter 3 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:53:53 | watupdogg ship Revenge 3 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:53:51 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:53:34 | Arcanix ship Firebird 7 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:53:33 | kotica ship My lil friend 2 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:53:30 | watupdogg ship Revenge 3 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:53:26 | kotica ship My lil friend 6 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:53:26 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:53:24 | PathFinder2 ship 10K Fighter 6 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:53:21 | watupdogg ship Revenge 2 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:53:19 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:53:18 | kotica ship My lil friend 7 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:53:18 | Arcanix ship Firebird 8 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:53:13 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:53:10 | kotica ship My lil friend 5 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:53:09 | watupdogg ship Revenge 2 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.

Founder and Lord Admiral of The Legendary Swarm.

Go For It.

Hope Paskelbta: 01:31:29 2006 01 07

Pranešimai: 6522

Temos: 415

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

7:52:48 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:52:46 | PathFinder2 ship 10K Fighter 5 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:52:42 | kotica ship My lil friend 6 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:52:41 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:52:40 | watupdogg ship Revenge 2 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:52:38 | Arcanix ship Firebird 9 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:52:35 | kotica ship My lil friend 5 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:52:32 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 1 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:52:30 | watupdogg ship Revenge 2 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:52:28 | kotica ship My lil friend 5 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:52:26 | PathFinder2 ship 10K Fighter 3 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:52:24 | Arcanix ship Firebird 6 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:52:23 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 0 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:52:19 | kotica ship My lil friend 6 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:52:06 | watupdogg ship Revenge 2 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:52:00 | kotica ship My lil friend 5 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:51:57 | Arcanix ship Firebird 5 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:51:55 | kotica ship My lil friend 10 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:51:55 | PathFinder2 ship 10K Fighter 2 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:51:55 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 0 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:51:53 | watupdogg ship Revenge 10 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:51:49 | kotica ship My lil friend 2 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:51:45 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 0 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:51:44 | Arcanix ship Firebird 3 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:51:43 | kotica ship My lil friend 3 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:51:35 | watupdogg ship Revenge 2 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:51:35 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 0 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:51:33 | kotica ship My lil friend 4 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:51:18 | PathFinder2 ship 10K Fighter 10 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:51:13 | Arcanix ship Firebird 4 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:51:12 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 0 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:51:09 | watupdogg ship Revenge 10 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:51:05 | kotica ship My lil friend 3 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:51:04 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 0 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:50:57 | watupdogg ship Revenge 1 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:50:57 | Arcanix ship HAPPY B DAY has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:50:56 | PathFinder2 ship 10K Fighter 10 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:50:54 | kotica ship My lil friend 4 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:50:53 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 0 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:50:28 | watupdogg ship Revenge 10 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:50:28 | kotica ship My lil friend 4 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:50:27 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 0 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:50:22 | Arcanix ship HAPPY B DAY has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:50:20 | PathFinder2 ship 10K Fighter 1 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:50:15 | kotica ship My lil friend 3 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:50:13 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas 0 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:50:09 | kotica ship My lil friend 3 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:50:07 | Arcanix ship Firebird 2 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:50:04 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:50:01 | kotica ship My lil friend 2 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:50:00 | watupdogg ship Revenge 10 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.

Founder and Lord Admiral of The Legendary Swarm.

Go For It.

Hope Paskelbta: 01:31:39 2006 01 07

Pranešimai: 6522

Temos: 415

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

17:49:59 | PathFinder2 ship 10K Fighter 1 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:49:56 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:49:50 | Arcanix ship Firebird 10 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:49:38 | kotica ship My lil friend 3 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:49:35 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:49:27 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:49:26 | PathFinder2 ship 10K Fighter 1 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:49:25 | kotica ship My lil friend 2 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:49:18 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:49:18 | Arcanix ship Firebird 1 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:49:08 | kotica ship My lil friend 1 has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.
17:48:50 | Lakamar Sinji ship Attack Filas has been destroyed by Filas planet 0 Diana.

Founder and Lord Admiral of The Legendary Swarm.

Go For It.

Hope Paskelbta: 01:32:09 2006 01 07

Pranešimai: 6522

Temos: 415

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

18:14:25 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been captured by watupdogg, The Swarm
18:13:53 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by avis, The Swarm.
18:13:47 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Lakamar Sinji, The Swarm.
18:13:41 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by avis, The Swarm.
18:13:07 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by avis, The Swarm.
18:12:55 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by avis, The Swarm.
18:12:28 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by avis, The Swarm.
18:12:12 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by avis, The Swarm.
18:12:11 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Lakamar Sinji, The Swarm.
18:12:00 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by avis, The Swarm.
18:11:53 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Lakamar Sinji, The Swarm.
18:11:26 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by avis, The Swarm.
18:11:13 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by avis, The Swarm.
18:11:11 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Lakamar Sinji, The Swarm.
18:11:00 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by avis, The Swarm.
18:10:58 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Lakamar Sinji, The Swarm.
18:10:37 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by PathFinder2, The Swarm.
18:10:35 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by avis, The Swarm.
18:10:30 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Lakamar Sinji, The Swarm.
18:10:12 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Lakamar Sinji, The Swarm.
18:09:37 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by PathFinder2, The Swarm.
18:09:00 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Lakamar Sinji, The Swarm.
18:08:53 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by PathFinder2, The Swarm.
18:08:52 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Lakamar Sinji, The Swarm.
18:08:19 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by PathFinder2, The Swarm.
18:07:51 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by PathFinder2, The Swarm.
18:07:51 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Arcanix, The Swarm.
18:07:48 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Lakamar Sinji, The Swarm.
18:07:10 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by PathFinder2, The Swarm.
18:07:06 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by watupdogg, The Swarm.
18:06:42 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by watupdogg, The Swarm.
18:06:34 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by watupdogg, The Swarm.
18:06:31 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by PathFinder2, The Swarm.
18:06:24 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by watupdogg, The Swarm.
18:06:04 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by watupdogg, The Swarm.
18:06:00 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Arcanix, The Swarm.
18:05:56 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by watupdogg, The Swarm.
18:05:50 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by PathFinder2, The Swarm.
18:05:43 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Lakamar Sinji, The Swarm.
18:05:41 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by watupdogg, The Swarm.
18:05:17 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by watupdogg, The Swarm.
18:05:04 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by watupdogg, The Swarm.
18:05:03 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by PathFinder2, The Swarm.
18:04:51 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by watupdogg, The Swarm.
18:04:29 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Lakamar Sinji, The Swarm.
18:04:28 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by watupdogg, The Swarm.
18:04:22 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Lakamar Sinji, The Swarm.
18:04:21 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by PathFinder2, The Swarm.
18:04:16 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Arcanix, The Swarm.
18:04:15 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by watupdogg, The Swarm.
18:04:14 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Lakamar Sinji, The Swarm.
18:04:04 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by watupdogg, The Swarm.
18:03:47 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Arcanix, The Swarm.
18:03:47 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Lakamar Sinji, The Swarm.
18:03:43 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by watupdogg, The Swarm.
18:03:40 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Lakamar Sinji, The Swarm.
18:03:35 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by watupdogg, The Swarm.
18:03:32 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Arcanix, The Swarm.
18:03:30 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Lakamar Sinji, The Swarm.
18:03:28 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by watupdogg, The Swarm.
18:03:03 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by watupdogg, The Swarm.
18:03:00 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Arcanix, The Swarm.

Founder and Lord Admiral of The Legendary Swarm.

Go For It.

Hope Paskelbta: 01:32:23 2006 01 07

Pranešimai: 6522

Temos: 415

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

18:02:59 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Lakamar Sinji, The Swarm.
18:02:56 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by watupdogg, The Swarm.
18:02:50 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Lakamar Sinji, The Swarm.
18:02:48 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by watupdogg, The Swarm.
18:02:43 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Arcanix, The Swarm.
18:02:40 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Lakamar Sinji, The Swarm.
18:02:16 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Lakamar Sinji, The Swarm.
18:02:09 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Lakamar Sinji, The Swarm.
18:02:07 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Arcanix, The Swarm.
18:02:02 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Lakamar Sinji, The Swarm.
18:01:55 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Lakamar Sinji, The Swarm.
18:01:53 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Arcanix, The Swarm.
18:01:24 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Lakamar Sinji, The Swarm.
18:01:15 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by Lakamar Sinji, The Swarm.
18:00:42 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by kotica, The Swarm.
18:00:40 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by kotica, The Swarm.
18:00:38 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by kotica, The Swarm.
18:00:36 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by kotica, The Swarm.
18:00:33 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by kotica, The Swarm.
18:00:32 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by kotica, The Swarm.
18:00:30 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by kotica, The Swarm.
18:00:25 | Filas planet 0 Diana has been attacked by kotica, The Swarm.

Founder and Lord Admiral of The Legendary Swarm.

Go For It.

Rukna Baisioji Akis Paskelbta: 02:23:04 2006 01 07

Pranešimai: 1374

Temos: 103

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

What can i say...impressive.
Poor Filas....he probably attacks the most loser nomination again :D
It's pretty interesting to see massive points change before loging one can be sure that you'll find your Hw after login :]

I will defeat you. When you grow up, if you still feel raw about it, i'll be waiting.

iii2 Paskelbta: 02:28:32 2006 01 07

Pranešimai: 207

Temos: 24

Valstybė: India

Yes and those non defensive resources do motivate the attackers.....

Is interest on resources working for motivating the players to keep resources on HWs??

digiat Paskelbta: 02:34:11 2006 01 07

Pranešimai: 1249

Temos: 110

Valstybė: Austria

Lytis: Moteris

maybe not anymore :sly:

Space Nurse - checking server - stand by

I love :tiger:

SL Visualizer
get it here:

Hope Paskelbta: 02:34:33 2006 01 07

Pranešimai: 6522

Temos: 415

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

Guess so
This was a retaliatory attack after Filas bashed most of watupdoggs fleet :P
And yes i found coords through warp over a month ago and have been waiting for it to grow :D
It was suprisingly hard to coordinate it seems
Good on watupdogg though for arranging this!

Founder and Lord Admiral of The Legendary Swarm.

Go For It.

Naltsa Abe Paskelbta: 02:45:18 2006 01 07

Pranešimai: 1600

Temos: 236

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

What can i say nice attack but in all that time you had to attack near his birthday :S, doesn't seem very nice

Naltsa Abe, The one, the only, the craziest welshman in the game!

You may have the troops and the assaults to go with them, but always remember....

I have crashed the server!!!

Ankstesnis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  Sekantis