Temos pavadinimas: Translations needed (Paprasta tema)

Autorius: System Administrator

Tema pradėta: 00:44:29 2005 12 01

Pranešimai: 4 Paskutinis pranešimas: 15:30:35 2009 10 07. Autorius Wienisius

System Administrator Paskelbta: 00:44:29 2005 12 01

Pranešimai: 48

Temos: 50

Valstybė: United States

I just added a whole bunch of text to the game, but unfortunatly was not able to translate them into the game's mother tongue. So, I list here the words/phrases/paragraphs I need translated here, in the hopes somebody that speaks the language may translate them for me out of enlightened self interest :). Probably the best solution is to post the translations below, so that other people can witness your generosity (and prevent effort duplication). I thank you in advance for your time.

Here you can construct buildings to enhance your planetary production and defence. They are not cheap, but if they can be kept sufficiently long, they will more than pay back their cost. To encourage players to defend planets with buildings, mandatory minimum defences of 15 million per mine level and 1 million per turret are enforced.

Your ship was destroyed by defensive fire from the planet. Your ship was fired upon by X turret.
- Currently an 's' is automatically appended to 'turret' if there are more than 1. I'll probably need to change this to support other types of pluralization, or give it up ;P.

(If you want to rephrase, add important content, delete irrelevant information, etc, I nod to your artistic licence as a translator. Please tell me if you decide to reword it though, as the english text could probably also use some work ;)).

MBIK, np. And thanks. I've removed the texts I've done so far. And again.

Again, feel free to rewrite the english too if you want to, or need to to make a translation work, or change the meaning, etc. I regard translating meaning/intent as more valuable than translating language, since language is simply a vehicle for meaning.

MBIK Paskelbta: 09:03:00 2005 12 01

Pranešimai: 1832

Temos: 84

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

To attack a planet, click on the planet's name in the table below. Your fighter will then attack the turrets on the planet, and you will see a report detailing how it did. - Norėdami atakuoti planetą, spustelkite ant jos pavadinimo žemiau pateiktoje lentelėje. Tada jūsų kovinis laivas atakuos planetos bokštelius ir jūs gausite atakos ataskaitą.
Planet - Planeta
Failed to attack nearby planet. Your ship must be close to the planet to attack it. - Nepavyko atakuoti šalia esančią planetą. Norint atakuoti, jūsų laivas privalo būti prie planetos.
This page describes how your ship did against the turrets on the enemy planet. The report only tells you how many turrets your ship saw, so the actual number may be greater. - Šiame puslapyje matote kaip jūsų laivas kovėsi prieš priešų planetos bokštelius. Čia rašoma tik kiek bokštelių matė jūsų laivas, taigi tikras jų skaičius gali būti didesnis.
X attacked X turrets on planet X. X turrets were destroyed, and your ship sustained X damage. - X atakavo X X planetos bokštelius(-ių). X bokšteliai buvo sunaikinti ir jūsų laivas patyrė X žalos.
Your ship was destroyed. - Jūsų laivas buvo sunaikintas.
Your ship was destroyed by defensive fire from the planet. Your ship was fired upon by X turret. - Jūsų laivas buvo pašautas iš planetos.
Attack Nearby Planet - Atakuoti šalia esančią planetą
Name - Pavadinimas
Level - Lygis
Status - Būsena
Cost - Kaina
Build - Statyti
Fusion Reactor - Lydymo reaktorius
Iron Mine - Geležies kasykla
Here you can construct buildings to enhance your planetary production and defence. They are not cheap, but if they can be kept sufficiently long, they will more than pay back their cost. To encourage players to defend planets with buildings, mandatory minimum defences of 15 million per mine level and 1 million per turret are enforced. - Čia jūs galite statyti pastatus kad padidintumėte jūsų planetos gavybą ir gynybą. Pastatai nėra pigūs, bet jeigu jie išbus pakankamai ilgai, - atsipirks.
Shield Generator - Skydo generatorius
Turret - Bokštelis
Sh = Shield, E = Energy, G = Gold, S = Silicon I = Iron, H = Hydrogen - Sk = Skydas, E - Energija, A = Auksas, S - Silicis, G = Geležis, V = Vandenilis
Build - Statyti
Upgrade - Patobulinti
That type of building does not exist. - Tokio pastato nėra.
You are already building something. - Šiuo metu jūs jau statote.
You have already fully upgraded this building. - Šis pastatas jau pilnai ištobulintas.
You have insufficient defence to support this building. - Nepakankama jūsų planetos gynybos šio pastato statymui.
You cannot afford this building. - Jums trūksta išteklių šio pastato statymui.
Manage Buildings - Pastatų valdymas
Use Market - Naudoti turguje

I'll edit some of translations as soon as I remember a word which sounds better. Also in my opinion "Imposible to do something" sounds better than "Could not do something" in the translation. I've translated it this way, if it's not a problem?

This post was made of recycled electrons.

System Administrator Paskelbta: 02:24:23 2006 01 01

Pranešimai: 48

Temos: 50

Valstybė: United States

More added

System Administrator Paskelbta: 19:14:26 2006 01 14

Pranešimai: 48

Temos: 50

Valstybė: United States

Go ahead and PM me if you do any. I suspect the Lith site has blank text where the words should be, so until I have some translations it'll be harder to use.

Wienisius Paskelbta: 15:30:35 2009 10 07

Pranešimai: 90

Temos: 12

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

In topic "2009 rugsejis )) PAGALBA NAUJOKAMS !" i try to translate all mission in lithuanian "speak" language.

If you need translate some text in game structure,
write here plaese, i try to help.

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