Temos pavadinimas: Clan points (Paprasta tema)
Autorius: Chaos
Tema pradėta: 09:52:26 2004 03 20
Pranešimai: 3 Paskutinis pranešimas: 01:39:27 2004 03 22. Autorius zyx
Pranešimai: 6679
Temos: 367
Valstybė: Lithuania
Lytis: Vyras
1. LT Confederation 402,071 2. TheSwarm 374,281 3. Heretic 119,149 Looks like we'll have over 500k points this month
__________________________ Waiting for technical singularity in 2035.
Pranešimai: 287
Temos: 36
Valstybė: United Kingdom
But only one player will have got most of those points can't you get 100k points of your own
__________________________ I am the Knight of Choas ALL FEAR ME You will not stand to my charge You shall feel my wrath I sally from my Great Citidel of Hell
Yes I can but we are simply helping 'that player' to be the first.
Pranešimai: 1976
Temos: 80
I am only in heretic clan , but i am in third place ... And Dr Abe not points only speaks about you ...
Ankstesnis 1 Sekantis