Temos pavadinimas: Morale (Paprasta tema)

Autorius: Evil Dr Abe

Tema pradėta: 08:56:47 2004 03 19

Pranešimai: 2 Paskutinis pranešimas: 04:40:58 2004 03 23. Autorius Chaos

Evil Dr Abe Paskelbta: 08:56:47 2004 03 19

Pranešimai: 287

Temos: 36

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

Hey Zgis how come when i attack people with more stars than me it doesn't seem to affect my stat
1. Evil Dr Abe -7,932
2. Metalliticum -7,370
3. Chaos -6,461
4. mikoronus2 -5,548
5. Bich -5,103
6. PArADOXx -4,039
7. Lord Zamorak -3,792
8. Minde21 -3,663
9. pyrofromhell2 -3,322

i have attacked newbies but i have attacked about the same amount of people with more and the same amount of stars as me and i have thsi morale.

Oh also Does morale do anything

I am the Knight of Choas ALL FEAR ME

You will not stand to my charge
You shall feel my wrath

I sally from my Great Citidel of Hell

Stiks Paskelbta: 03:37:57 2004 03 23

Pranešimai: 181

Temos: 21

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

yeah im wondering something on the same subject...
TiTo is a Class E and i know hes attacked more then just Class E players (i know i gave him alot of his coords) and his morale keeps going down.. i mean shouldn't new players morale go up or does it have to do wiht how many planets you have.. i mean yeah he attacked while in protection and i can see a loss there but after protection is up.. At least morale doesn't do anything this round.. But Zyg will Morale penalties be in affect next round. or are there still bugs in it.. and will morale reset or will it stay the same when the round ends

Yes i am a pirate and if you wonder why, it is because i can be.

did i empty your assault he he

Chaos Paskelbta: 04:40:58 2004 03 23

Pranešimai: 6679

Temos: 367

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

1. Evil Dr Abe -12,832
2. Chaos -11,082
3. TiTo -9,103

I just took some of my planets back from Elvenlord. BTW he captured my system and I couldn't take it back because he had an immunity!!

Waiting for technical singularity in 2035.

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