Temos pavadinimas: Chaos in da Galaxy Clan :) (Paprasta tema)

Autorius: Chaos

Tema pradėta: 13:29:35 2003 11 08

Pranešimai: 10 Paskutinis pranešimas: 01:06:15 2004 07 02. Autorius Shadow Stalker

Chaos Paskelbta: 13:29:35 2003 11 08

Pranešimai: 6679

Temos: 367

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

Check out our clan site at
We shall rule the Galaxy as undefeatable empire of chaos! Chaos and Scooter music will spread around the universe... :)
Newbies are also welcome. We'll try to help you AND we'll give you some planets to control when we capture some :)
We shall trade together, attack together, help each other and divide captured planets among our proud members! :)
I'm an experienced player and will always help my clan friends...
If you are interested to join, PM me.

Waiting for technical singularity in 2035.

Chaos Paskelbta: 14:59:42 2003 11 08

Pranešimai: 6679

Temos: 367

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

We've got a new member. Welcome and good luck! :)

Waiting for technical singularity in 2035.

AivaS Paskelbta: 15:06:12 2003 11 08

Pranešimai: 58

Temos: 7

Lytis: Moteris

Hey, Caos, better join our Makaroni clan, we are giving soup for free and Coca-cola is with 50% discount.

Chaos Paskelbta: 15:22:29 2003 11 08

Pranešimai: 6679

Temos: 367

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

:) :)

Waiting for technical singularity in 2035.

Thrust Jet Paskelbta: 11:40:00 2004 07 01

Pranešimai: 661

Temos: 24

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

Remember this Chaos

The Universe is amighty force we should not reckon with it, it will be a brave man who does. We will lead the fight against our enimies

General T.J
Leader of the United Armed Forces

reckoning Paskelbta: 11:45:00 2004 07 01

Pranešimai: 153

Temos: 12

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

good question... But I'm the senior officer here... better let me ask the questions... Well chaos... do you remeber this? hmmmmm?? do you? do you?

The king shall return.
The tides are turning
It is time.
You shall see
Long live the DARKNESS!!!
a proud leader of darkness embracing

Chaos Paskelbta: 11:45:38 2004 07 01

Pranešimai: 6679

Temos: 367

Valstybė: Lithuania

Lytis: Vyras

Brining old topics again? Is this a SL history lesson :)

Waiting for technical singularity in 2035.

Thrust Jet Paskelbta: 11:46:23 2004 07 01

Pranešimai: 661

Temos: 24

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

please tell the story !!

The Universe is amighty force we should not reckon with it, it will be a brave man who does. We will lead the fight against our enimies

General T.J
Leader of the United Armed Forces

reckoning Paskelbta: 12:12:30 2004 07 01

Pranešimai: 153

Temos: 12

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

hey that'd be fun... SL school :)... ah what a nice thing that would be.... :)

The king shall return.
The tides are turning
It is time.
You shall see
Long live the DARKNESS!!!
a proud leader of darkness embracing

Match Paskelbta: 13:06:40 2004 07 01

Pranešimai: 1330

Temos: 46

Valstybė: Canada

Lytis: Vyras

Come on... this is getting boring... always bring up the old post...

The Infamous and Defeatable Old Veteran... LoL!

Shadow Stalker Paskelbta: 01:06:15 2004 07 02

Pranešimai: 11468

Temos: 322

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

no that would not be nice SL is the way most people recover from going to school :D

It's allways been my fault

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