Temos pavadinimas: THE KING OF THE PLANET EVENT #2 VOL2 (Paprasta tema)

Autorius: digiat

Tema pradėta: 07:25:58 2004 12 28

Pranešimai: 11 Paskutinis pranešimas: 03:01:02 2004 12 30. Autorius Hope

Ankstesnis 1 2  Sekantis

digiat Paskelbta: 07:25:58 2004 12 28

Pranešimai: 1249

Temos: 110

Valstybė: Austria

Lytis: Moteris



planet location: 13534:12679:14431 gfy morta2

players have to register in order to get the coords of the planet (register here in this thread, do not send PMs)
i reserve the right to refuse participation
dead line for registration is 5 pm lith time, coords will be sent out around 6-7 pm lith time
you can prepare your ships in the region of 2000:5000:5000

the one who holds the planets the longest time, is the king of the planet

starttime: 20:00 lith time 8pm lith time 6 pm gmt

* don't obliterate the planet; defend it, leave it, but don't obliterate, you would spoil the fun of everyone else.
* no allies, no naps are in effect in that territory, so you can attack, pirate whatever you want
* don't make the planet an uncapturable HW, dont raise def over 15k (noobs should be able to participate aswell)
* don't rename the planet
* participants are not allowed to tell the coords to anyone
* no registration fee yet
* minimum 4 participants

send whatever you want, fighters, spies, assaults, invisible ships

29.12 20:00 - 23:00 LT TIME

1st place: 150k T 50k E 50k V 50k G 50k S 50k U 50k H
2nd place: 100k T
3rd place: 50k T

(those res will only be payed if all the donations that were posted are received)

i won't be online, so please keep the score as the participants in event #1 did

have fun

Space Nurse - checking server - stand by

I love :tiger:

SL Visualizer
get it here:

thewiz4352 Paskelbta: 08:56:02 2004 12 28

Pranešimai: 1869

Temos: 316

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

i would like to register :)

Its Been Real
Peace You All

Cotar 1 Paskelbta: 09:46:51 2004 12 28

Pranešimai: 118

Temos: 20

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

alright ill register

Words Of Wisdom
Jumping out of a moving car or train is NOT a good idea.

Why is it called common sense when it is so rare?

People who claim to know everything just annoy us who do.

Shikshiena Jrs forever

ShadeOfOldDays Paskelbta: 06:30:12 2004 12 29

Pranešimai: 396

Temos: 43

Valstybė: Germany

Lytis: Vyras

argh, i wont have much time, but i want to paricipate a lil

I`m AdvocatusDiaboli leader of TheSwarm, reaper of Warstrakalas Mains, keeper of the allmighty :deer:

Hope Paskelbta: 06:53:54 2004 12 29

Pranešimai: 6522

Temos: 415

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

COunt me in
just send me coords and sit back in awe

Founder and Lord Admiral of The Legendary Swarm.

Go For It.

digiat Paskelbta: 08:52:09 2004 12 29

Pranešimai: 1249

Temos: 110

Valstybė: Austria

Lytis: Moteris

registration closed, check your pms

Space Nurse - checking server - stand by

I love :tiger:

SL Visualizer
get it here:

Duo Maxwell Paskelbta: 10:38:01 2004 12 29

Pranešimai: 3584

Temos: 140

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

Should be interesting :)

Dont underestimate us, that would be a mistake. In war there is no second chances, and every mistake is a victory for your opponent.

-Former New Players' Forum Moderator
-Veteran of Shadow Industries
-Forever the Leader of The Maxwell Brigade

Hope Paskelbta: 11:02:42 2004 12 29

Pranešimai: 6522

Temos: 415

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

So it begins....

18:00:05 | digiat planet KINGOFTHEPLANET has been captured by Hope, TheSwarm.

Founder and Lord Admiral of The Legendary Swarm.

Go For It.

Hope Paskelbta: 13:07:43 2004 12 29

Pranešimai: 6522

Temos: 415

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

20:07:13 | interiority ship Assault 25k Hell has been destroyed by Hope.
20:08:13 | Hope ship KOTP DEFENDER has been destroyed during attack of interiority ship.

Founder and Lord Admiral of The Legendary Swarm.

Go For It.

Hope Paskelbta: 13:58:15 2004 12 29

Pranešimai: 6522

Temos: 415

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

GAmes are over

20:45:27 | interiority planet KINGOFTHEPLANET has been captured by Hope, TheSwarm.
20:43:35 | interiority ship hell monkey has been destroyed by Hope.
20:40:31 | interiority ship hell monkey has been destroyed by Hope.
20:38:29 | Hope planet KINGOFTHEPLANET has been captured by interiority, Insurgency.
20:37:14 | interiority planet KINGOFTHEPLANET has been captured by Hope, TheSwarm.
20:35:01 | interiority ship wee fighter has been destroyed during attack of Hope ship.
20:31:51 | interiority ship wee assault has been destroyed by Hope.
20:30:54 | Cotar 1 ship KotH Trans has been destroyed by Hope.
20:30:26 | Hope planet KINGOFTHEPLANET has been captured by interiority, Insurgency.
20:29:54 | interiority ship nothin here has been destroyed by Hope.
20:26:45 | interiority ship a piece of piss has been destroyed by Hope.
20:21:57 | Hope ship KOTP DEF 2 has been destroyed during attack of interiority ship.
20:21:30 | interiority planet KINGOFTHEPLANET has been captured by Hope, TheSwarm.
20:19:38 | Hope planet KINGOFTHEPLANET has been captured by interiority, Insurgency.
20:19:09 | interiority planet KINGOFTHEPLANET has been captured by Hope, TheSwarm.
20:19:03 | interiority ship kotp fighter has been destroyed during attack of Hope ship.
20:18:13 | Hope ship Y1 Fire has been destroyed by interiority.
20:16:29 | interiority ship Yer Ma has been destroyed by Hope.
20:15:09 | Hope planet KINGOFTHEPLANET has been captured by interiority, Insurgency.
20:08:13 | Hope ship KOTP DEFENDER has been destroyed during attack of interiority ship.
20:07:13 | interiority ship Assault 25k Hell has been destroyed by Hope.
18:00:05 | digiat planet KINGOFTHEPLANET has been captured by Hope, TheSwarm.

Founder and Lord Admiral of The Legendary Swarm.

Go For It.

digiat Paskelbta: 00:06:37 2004 12 30

Pranešimai: 1249

Temos: 110

Valstybė: Austria

Lytis: Moteris

guess the first 2 hours were pretty boring. only 2 registered contestants showed up....

everybody - what time should the next event be on ?

Space Nurse - checking server - stand by

I love :tiger:

SL Visualizer
get it here:

Ankstesnis 1 2  Sekantis