Temos pavadinimas: Good game, but... (Paprasta tema)

Autorius: thabin

Tema pradėta: 15:33:30 2004 10 22

Pranešimai: 41 Paskutinis pranešimas: 21:20:54 2004 10 27. Autorius Duo Maxwell

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thabin Paskelbta: 15:33:30 2004 10 22

Pranešimai: 2046

Temos: 267

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

I have a friend at work who has watched me play this night after night and I finally pursuaded him to give it a go for himself last week. Well I've tried to help him out with a few ideas and tips and he was very enthuiastic about the whole thing.

Alas tonight he has given up and closed his account. Why? Well quite simply because he couldn't do anything once he had done the missions and had all 3 planets in his system. His nearby was someone he had no chance of attacking successfully and of course he had very few resources to build ships.

So he concentrated on building up a defence first (at my suggestion). He was due out of immunity tomorrow and after a week of just producing troops and energy had amassed a homeworld defence of just over 400K with full shielding.

Now this is really the first time I have actually had chance to see life as a newbie since I first joined SL and suddenly I can see why so many people get so disheartened so quickly.

We need to do something or it will just be the same old people playing all the time.

I have put a suggestion to both Zygi and Bielka that may help make things a little more fair for everyone and also a lot more interesting all round but as yet I'm still awaiting a response, watch this space.

This is not war, this is pest control.
You are superior to us in one respect... you are better at dieing!

Sexton Paskelbta: 15:49:40 2004 10 22

Pranešimai: 195

Temos: 22

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

ISP: Bell South

whats your friends name? and also i think if a noob could accept ships and planets it would be much better. :)

maybie they get to start out with a 5k ass and 10k trans also with hyper and pircay... or tleast hyper and maybie 20k all res not 2.5k

keep your friends close and your enemys closer

300spartans Paskelbta: 16:18:27 2004 10 22

Pranešimai: 181

Temos: 3

Valstybė: Canada

And what were your suggestions Thabin?

"Victory has a thousand fathers. Defeat is an orphan."

Dios II Paskelbta: 16:19:25 2004 10 22

Pranešimai: 317

Temos: 16

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

Yeah, I would like to know that as well

Too Many Times, It Happens Too Fast, You Exchange Passion For Glory, Don't Lose Your Grip On The Dreams Of The Past, You Must Fight Just To Keep Them Alive!

Slammer Paskelbta: 16:23:08 2004 10 22

Pranešimai: 393

Temos: 42

Valstybė: Canada

Lytis: Vyras

In my mind, a noobie has to have a 25k assault, a 50k to 100k pirate fully defenced and a spy ship. This means they need about 81k to 131k iron, 50k silicon, 10k energy and 10k gold. I agree with what Thabin is saying about new players. I hope he has the ear of Zygi and Bielka and that something will be done because the rest of us don't seem to have it.

It's also sad to observe, but some noobs also don't get the point that they have to make contact with their neighbours or a clan and sound them out for help or assistance. The game definitely needs changes if it is to survive. I know I am spending less and less time playing myself as the "challenge" has gone out of it.

Stealth, quickness and cunning ...These are my trademarks!
Let me introduce you to your future...

Abe Paskelbta: 17:07:19 2004 10 22

Pranešimai: 393

Temos: 37

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

I think the Amount the Newbie Has at the start needs to be Rapidly Increased I said this when i started again

Eyes from a Newbie is TOO difficult I think maybe giving them 2 systems at start would help alot

War comes on Swift Wings to those who Annoy me and my Brothers

Rerisen to bite you in the Ass

Fighting For myself Since Round 1

The one with a clue

Abe-o is Here Look Buzy or Die

Abe Paskelbta: 17:14:37 2004 10 22

Pranešimai: 393

Temos: 37

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

And just to Say I'm a Vet and I didn't Stand a chance Something has to be done Soon

This Reset of Planet Production has really Helped but it will not help Newbies (I mean some Players Have been Destoryed

I think the 16 million Resource for Defencive Res should be lowered to say 8 million This would increase Homeworld Warfare

Also While the Effect would take a While How about For every 10k Defence the planet has the Assault Gains One exp Now Before you Flame this Think about it more of these ships and lower Defencive Res Max would increase Homeworld Taking and Therefore Weaken Players So that they can be Hurt and Even Defeated

I mean come on Baras has 2 HW at 33 MILLION EACH he will never get defeated

Or maybe the Sheild Formula Changed Lets say It only Affects Half of the res on planet (Maybe not)

War comes on Swift Wings to those who Annoy me and my Brothers

Rerisen to bite you in the Ass

Fighting For myself Since Round 1

The one with a clue

Abe-o is Here Look Buzy or Die

thabin Paskelbta: 17:37:25 2004 10 22

Pranešimai: 2046

Temos: 267

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

Well I don't want to spoil any possible surprises by telling you my ideas (not totally my ideas though, has been suggested before) except to say that rather than directly helping new players it would tend to even things out somewhat and make life just a little more interesting (and dangerous) for the more established and powerful players.

This is not war, this is pest control.
You are superior to us in one respect... you are better at dieing!

Apollo 7 Paskelbta: 17:54:55 2004 10 22

Pranešimai: 76

Temos: 4

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

good, it might actually give me a chance ;) oh, and newbies also!

"The universe is a cruel place to make a living.Even though I am beaten and battered, I WON'T GIVE UP!!"

Member of SIBC

Another day, another account gone to the wind.

Yahoo IM:Explorers012

thabin Paskelbta: 17:59:10 2004 10 22

Pranešimai: 2046

Temos: 267

Valstybė: United Kingdom

Lytis: Vyras

Some players of course will just never make it Apollo :]

(just kidding)

This is not war, this is pest control.
You are superior to us in one respect... you are better at dieing!

TarogStar Paskelbta: 18:28:47 2004 10 22

Pranešimai: 372

Temos: 24

Valstybė: United States

Lytis: Vyras

I agree with the notion that it should be dangerous for everyone. Maybe allow assaults to have a higher exp limit, possibly also giving 1% for each 10K defense attacked, and maybe not give experience for SP confed, so you can't just train, you have to earn a good assault. . . but it would be faster as a 500K assault could get up to 50% exp on its first attack, and then it could take up to 75% on its next attack, etc.

Nothing can stop the SWARM!

In memory of the Underdogs.

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